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We reached the stairs of the gateway to Mushroyama Foothills, the place where Riko had to now merge herself with Tengen even though this was hard enough for her. Leaving behind your friends, family and a future which you could never have. To me that thought sounded terrifying than dying, now that I have fallen in love with someone. To leave her alone in this world would be my biggest sin. She doesn't deserve that.

Everyone stood there beside each other, Riko seemed nervous but calm. I knew these past few days were the best days of her life, Kuroi tried her best to conceal her emotions away from the world and Geto remained in his usual composure. Everything seemed fine and in tranquility, We all stood there in silence for a moment waiting for the other to speak up. Today neither did I have the energy to joke around after last night's activities with someone nor did I get any sleep after that.

My surroundings for the first time in my life were calm and quiet. The trees were shining in the sun's warmth and the stairs to the top of the foothill led atop to Tengen, they seemed to never end in front of us. The sound of squirrels chirping and running could be heard in the serenity of the forest.

"Good Job everyone." I spoke keeping my hands in my pocket and Riko puts her hands on her knees gasping for breath.

"...This place is inside the school 's barrier."

Kuroi offered Riko a napkin to wipe off her sweat. "Now we can rest assured." She smiled one last time.


Riko could be smiling at Kuroi one last time and this would be last time breathing and here she was, making the best out of her last moments. Even in times when one seems to lose hope Riko didn't. We might fight like siblings and got off to a bad start but I cared for her like my little sister in ways how a brother would.

"Satoru.." Geto spoke smiling towards me.

"...Good Job." He reassured me.

That bastard he knew I got off on praise. But Kia is the only one who knows that I actually do get off on it.

I roll my eyes nonchalantly and sigh.

"I"ll never do babysitting ever again." Riko continued dabbing the napkin onto her skin and rolling her eyes at me.

"Hey don't say that now that you have a girlfriend who knows maybe you'll become a father too?" She replied in a you-don't-deserve-Kia-and-never-did-i-will-never-understand-why-likes-you tone.

"Excuse me?" I scrunch my brows.

Sure the thought of a prior future Kia was scary but exciting every-time I thought of her, I saw home and maybe just maybe....children....our children....Two little girls in a house, one has black hair and a pale skin holding a toy in one hand, the second one has white hair and a darker skin reading a book. They both are non identical twins along with two contrasting personalities. The darker hair has a feisty and bold side as compared to her sister who has a calm and quiet demeanor like Geto's. Both of them are unique in their ways and I see the mother of their children. A familiar face which I had become acquainted with ever since she fell into my arms, the woman who made my heart skip a beat and strive to be a better person. My Kia, the only person who I could be with.

The thought of having a family scared me, the idea of my children being put in danger and having powers which could certainly get them killed I could never let myself live with the shame but now something changed...I saw a family, a hope that maybe...just maybe....someday Kia and me might get married and live like a normal couple.

The thought seemed so expensive at first but with her by my side I feel like everything will be alright.

"....Hey uhm Satoru?"


"You're here with us on earth right?"

"Of course"

"Good..." Suguru smiled and his eyes disappeared whenever he smiled ear to ear.

"Uh....god" Riko spoke up trying to pass off the time.

"Hey stop acting like a-"

Careful Satoru watch over your words. These might be your last to her.

"What?" She rolled her eyes at me.


"Hey Satoru watch out-"

A sudden sound coming from my behind startled me that too of a man with his sword. Before I could react and gain the upper hand in the situation, my arrogance gets the best of me.


A sound of that a sword being gushed in me from behind was heard.Blood collects on the shining blade of the sword and I start chanting the technique Shoko taught me. Geto looked shocked and Riko and Kuroi screamed. I don't react trying my best to stay calm that is until a sight shakes me to my core.

It was Kia....She was tied up with her hands behind her back in a knot and her eyes were closed. She was stuck in a some sort of bubble. Her face all gashed up and blood dripping from her hair onto the surface of the bubble. Her conditions told me everything.

"How does it feel to lose everything you love Satoru? After all you almost lost her once before can't afford to lose her again would ya?" A voice behind me darkly chuckles. I piece the dots together.

Was he the one who told Kia the truth?

"You didn't..."

"Oh yes...I did"

"Now you will suffer the same fate like me too..." He chuckles trying to twist the knife harder onto my skin.

"As if..." i chuckle and watch as Kia wakes up slowly but steadily trying to regain consciousness of her surroundings. My eyes bulge out in horror as she kicks and screams her best to get out but not even a single sound could be heard.

"You Guys go i'll take care of him." i warn the others, Geto takes my signal and Riko hesitates for a moment but i nod my head. She understands and starts running along with Geto and Kuroi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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