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Photo Above: Leon

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Photo Above: Leon.

I was half asleep when I felt the bed shuffle beside me, meeting a shirtless Leon at my side. I opened one eye and met his gaze staring back at me, "what?" I mumbled with a raspy voice, giving him a small smile.

He brought a his hand up and brushed my hair out of my face, "Nothing.. you're just beautiful" He smiled back, I opened both my eyes to meet his, blushing.

"Lies" I mumbled, closing my eyes again. I felt his fingers brush along my jawline, then under my chin as he tilted my head lightly, my eyes fluttered open as I saw him lean in closer, his eyes flicking back and forth between mine.

"I'm serious, you're stunning" He said again, his tone was serious, and his looks could kill. My lips formed in an upside down smile as I blushed.

He ran his hand down my arm gently, his fingers tickling my skin, I reached up with my hand and interlocked our fingers, flipping over to my other side as he pulled me in, our fingers still interlocked as I gripped his hand to my chest. I felt him press his forehead into my shoulder as he pulled me in closer, his curls brushing against my cheek.

I honestly didn't care if we were moving too quick in this 'relationship thing' if thats what it even was. I've never been much of a cuddle person but this? This was nice..

I hummed at his warmth surrounding my body. "You're so warm" I muttered, closing my eyes. His warmth was so comforting, it had been awhile since I felt this kind of attention. My mother never comforted me, my sister would occasionally sleep in my bed but we never cuddled. The only other comfort I ever got was a super light hug from Katie.

Leon hummed in my ear, "Thank you for sticking with me" He said, his voice was almost inaudible since his face was buried in my neck.

I turned on my back to look at him, his grip loosening as I placed our hands on my stomach. "Why do you say that?" I asked, gazing down at our hands as I toyed with his fingers.

"For a second... I thought you would leave.. after I bit you I-" He started, but I interrupted.

"It's fine, accidents happen, besides.. you were in a frenzy and I shouldn't have grabbed you like that"

He propped himself up a bit with his elbow, "No you should have, you were right when you said I should've have attacked him.. I just panicked.."

"Because he came at you?" I asked, he nodded, shrugging slightly.

"I didn't want him to get to you, he had his gun out.."

I raised my eyebrows, completely unaware of that situation. "He did?"

Leon nodded again, pursing his lips together. I couldn't help but stare at them, my gaze turning back up as he spoke again.

"If he shot me, fine... but you?" He reached his hand up out of my grasp and brushed his thumb across my cheek, his eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips.

"Living through that situation would drive me nuts" His voice was low and sensual as he spoke, my eyes glued to his lips.

"I'm still here though" I brought my hand up and brushed his curls out of his eyes, resting my hand at his jawline as I traced the prominent curve.

He smiled softly, leaning in slowly. His eyes were flashing between mine and my lips before closing the gap between us. His lips were soft, and sweet. It was short, he pulled back our lips barely brushing together as if he was waiting for me to shove him away. I couldn't. I kissed him back, feeling that warmth again. It felt like we were there for decades, our lips moving in a slow careful rhythm.

I pulled away, looking to him as he hovered over my face, his nose barely touching mine. "I've been wanting to do that since I met you.." I admitted, blushing hard.

He licked his bottom lip as he smiled back at me, pressing his lips to mine for a quick second as he pulled me back into him, my forehead resting under his chin. I felt so safe in his arms.. it was a feeling that I had almost forgotten. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep. His hand was softly grazing my shoulder and neck, slowing not long after as he drifted to sleep.


"Auurraa" My eyes were heavy as I opened them, my head laying on Leon's bare chest, I could feel his fingers softly brushing through my hair.

"Hmm?" I said, closing my eyes again. "Wake uuuppp, we're heading out soon"

I groaned, "not yeeeetttt, you're comfyyyy"

He chuckled, squeezing my arm, "nooo, come on, I wanna get to my Aunt's at a decent time"

I groaned again pushing myself up to glare at him, "rude" I said. He kissed the tip of my nose as we finally got up out of bed. He threw on a shirt as I stuffed my belongings back into my duffel bag.

Before we left the motel, we brushed our teeth, I changed into leggings and a simple cropped t-shirt, and Leon simply cleaned himself up as best he could after showering, leaving behind that god awful jacket.

Before I knew it, we were checked out and back in the truck, heading back to Ohio.


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