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I woke up to the warmth and familiarity of Leon's scent next to me. He was still asleep, hopefully dreaming peacefully. I couldn't help but still feel the broken heart beating inside of him. I was still in shock, worried the conversation we had before our slumber was still in his head, taking over his dreams, turning them into endless nightmares of repeating consequences.

For so long I thought we were different. We weren't. We both had the same troubled past. Full of narcissistic abuse, lies, and the hissing of venomous snakes. I hated it.

I sat up, letting his arm slowly fall down around my waist. He didn't move, his soft snores still echoed throughout our tent and the crisp morning air was still trapped outside his blanket.

I let my head fall back against the tent as I listened to the nature surrounding us. The crickets were like a beautiful tiny orchestra, the nearby lake was quiet, but still loud enough for you to hear the water lapping the rocky edge, the trees blowing in the wind were like a silent lullaby, followed by the oh-so familiar morning dove that brought back the nostalgic fun of childhood.

For others at least... definitely not for me. My mornings were rugged. It was always an argument on why I wore what I dressed in, how much makeup I put on, what my hair looked like, my attitude. Not for my sister... My heart winced at the thought of her. I fucking miss her and every day that goes by, my heart still aches.

Leon stirred below me, his arm tightened around my waist, an obvious sign that he was finally waking up. I brushed my hand through is dyed locks and smiled down at him.

"Mmm" He hummed, his lips forming a soft smile.

"Morning" I whispered.

"How long have you been up?"

"Not long I promise, I've been listening to the nature"

He sat up, ruffling a hand through his hair before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Told you this was a good spot" He chuckled, he leaned back with me, resting his hand on my leg to trace patterns on my leggings.

"Hey Leon" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Aura" He answered, nothing but slumber and warmth in his raspy voice. I still couldn't get over it.

"Can we dye your hair?"

"Ok thats not what I was expecting" He laughed. I lifted my head and turned to look at him, my eyebrows raised. I didn't respond, just stared.

"Oh you're serious?" He said with wide eyes.

I nodded, "I like the red but, its fading to pink and pink definitely doesn't suit you" I tugged a piece of his hair down, far enough so he could see the pink through blurry vision.

"Oh jeez, yeah we can go into town today and dye it here, I hate pink" He chuckled.

"What color?" I asked, hoping for him to say something relatively relatable. He would look good with blue, maybe purple, but definitely not green, yellow or orange. Those colors were the worst in my honest opinion.

"Brown?" He asked, I was a little stunned to hear that color come out of his mouth.

"Really? No more color?"

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now