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Starting Song: Horror Creepy Sounds - Horror Music Collection

Photo Above: Aura's Nightmare

"Auraaa" An unknown voice sang out creepily, my heart was pounding out of my chest as I kept running down the endless hallways of the place I was trapped in. My head shot around every turn, my hand trying every door knob with zero luck, they were all locked.

"Fuck!" I yelled, bolting down the hallway again. I stopped in my tracks as I turned again, this time walking down a hallway with flickering lights. This hallway was a tad bit different, there was a door at the very end and wires traveling across the walls towards it.

I slowly made my way towards the door, hearing the same voice sing my name out again. "Aurrraaa"

I couldn't place who it was. It sounded so familiar but my mind couldn't process it through the fear. I held my breath as I turned the doorknob. Locked again...

"What is going on?" I whispered to myself, the fear in me was growing deeper and deeper. I turned to make my way back down the hall, only to be met with a weird figure at the end.

"Hello?" I called out, watching the figures head shoot up in my direction. It was Hannah.. only.. she was covered head to toe in blood, her body plastered with bite marks and chunks taken out.

"Hannah?" I asked, my voice crackling with fear.

"Why did you do this to me?" Her innocent voice made my heart sink, I shook my head, "I didn't mean to Hannah, it was-"

My voice hitched in my throat as she instantly showed up in front of me in the blink of an eye. I fell back against the door, cringing at the pain of the doorknob jamming into my side.

"Why did you do this to me?!" She grabbed my throat, squeezing tightly as she screamed in my face.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even fight to get her off. I was glued to the door by an unknown force. Panic started setting in as I tried with all my power to move. I was stuck, getting choked to death by my dead sister.

"Aura!" I gasped for breath as I shot up abruptly. I was met with a shocked Leon, he straddled my legs and his hands were still on my shoulders. My guess is he probably shook me awake.

I almost puked from fear, the dream seemed so real, so inescapable, thank god it wasn't.. but.. sadly.. one part of it was.

Leon didn't say anything, just grabbed my hand and squeezed it as he watched me slowly come to reality. I glanced up at him, my chest heaving with my heavy breaths. It felt like my heart was going to burst through my chest.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his was voice low and worried, his eyes glued to my petrified expression.

I raked my hand through my hair with a sigh, shaking my head to rid my brain of the nightmare I just went through. "I don't know.." I muttered, cause I truly didn't..

"I get them too.." He said, I shrugged at his comment, "Just the karma we have to face with what we do I guess" I said to him as I tapped his leg to let him know I wanted to stand.

I took a moment before I slid my legs over the couch, planting my feet on the floor as I leaned over to cup my head in my hands.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now