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(A/n thanks for reading. Plz leave any comments I'd love to read them there will be fluff, psychology, a touch of angst, and some good ol smut)
Trigger warning: Detailed descriptions of events that take place in the game. I'll warn u before it happens.

Your POV:

I had only worked at the precinct as a front desk agent for 6 months before he started. I was more of an equality hire than my skills. With 2 androids manning the desk I had practically nothing to do. Make sure people badge in, deliver mail and occasionally coffee. The most exciting part of my day was when I could input evidence. I had really gotten into my groove and even had made friends at the precinct. Spending most of my time hanging around Hank Andersons desk.

Everything was going great until he showed up.

My hands hurt from the amount of emails I had been typing. With deviant cases on the rise there has been a lot of complaints to go through and I had been typing since I got here in this morning. The familiar ding of the door sounded and I instinctively turned to say hello but my voice got caught in my throat when I saw him.

Walking in with Hank was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. His smile could melt whats left of the ice caps, his eyes were the softest most inviting brown and he had an energy I couldn't put my finger on at the time. His hair was medium length and slicked back with just a couple tufts sticking out. I've never seen anyone like him before and it was like the universe crafted every curve and detail.

I considered talking to him, find an excuse to call him over so I can start a conversation. That was until he turned towards me and that blue LED circled almost tauntingly at me.


Of course, the most attractive person I've ever seen wasn't even a person. Of course, it was perfectly crafted to elicit a response like this.

Its not like I hated androids. I hated how none of it was real. Every smile and head nod perfectly calculated to accomplish a task. You never know if what your telling them to do doesn't override some hidden task by Cyberlife. They're designed to be attractive, designed to look inviting and trustworthy and it did nothing but make me feel like they shouldn't be trusted. Plus, I'm not those people who fuck androids. It feels too weird knowing they could never really consent and are pretending the entire time.

I didn't realize I had been staring at it's LED until it angled it's head so we were looking eye to eye. It looked confused, like it was studying my face to figure out what I was thinking.

Can it tell what im thinking?

And like it could it's features melted into a soft smile, attempting to ease whatever caused this awkward interaction.

"Connor!" Hanks voice snapped both our attention to him. "The fuck you staring for?"

Despite knowing it wasn't staring for any other reason that accomplishing the task of building trust with it's human coworkers it still made me blush to hear someone I was attracted to was staring. I tried my best to turn my attention back to the computer screen.

"Sorry Lutenient" Connor said as it follows after hank like a poodle and as it leaves the large glowing word ANDRIOD on the back of it's sweater was the last reminder I needed to shake away the thoughts my mind was leading to.

Luckily there wasn't much to do after the doors to the public closed, so I spent the rest of the last couple hours killing time on tetris. Its an vintage game at this point but its like first person shooters, we'll never stop making different versions. I put my earphones in to tune out the hussle and bustle of an almost closed precinct. Most people leave when the doors close as there's not much point for those of us who aren't officers to be here after we stop letting the public in. But I like free money so I stay until hank leaves most nights, just killing time and getting paid for it.

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