Wanting to Want

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"Connor, can I have my shit back?" I said as we settled into my car, him in the drivers seat.

He gently placed my things in my lap and started the car, before freezing with his hands on the wheel.

"Where are we going?"

"Your place?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood, he shot me a look that said 'ha ha very funny' with a smirk, and I sighed, "Mine it is then."

He drove much more smoothly than Hank or I ever have or could and I played low-fi to try and ease the tension building in this car.

We drove in silence for a little, my place farther from the precinct than Hank's. He stared out the window with his brows furrowed and his mouth in a straight line, clearly lost in thought and as I stared at his troubled face my mind raced. What the fuck happend? How can an android be so troubled? Why was Hank so upset? What did they see? I found myself wishing I actually looked at the news or something so I could have seen what they did. I decided it would be better to prod lightly so I asked,

"Why did you want to leave?" He sighed and put his elbow up on the window, resting his head in his hand.

"The cheif was upset we hit a dead end. Things are getting serious and we're lagging behind." My words when we first talked ran past my mind I'm sure you will do perfectly. I cringed, wondering if they hurt him now that his mission is faltering. "Plus there was-" he paused again, his LED flashing yellow, "I just- I couldn't stay there knowing there isn't anyone there who likes me."

"I like you." I blurted, blush spreading to my cheeks, hoping he thinks I said it in a friendly way.

"That's not what really what I-" He said sitting back up, his LED flashing red for a single second and then a steady yellow.

"I mean like," I started, trying to save the situation. "You are- well, I like your- your... determined...ness" the blush spread further as I spoke, wanting a hole to appear under me so I can crawl into it and he can just drive away without me.

"I appreciate you letting me come over." I appreciated his attempt on changing the subject.

"Yea, we can uh, play video games or cards. Although, I feel like you'd beat me at both." I'm glad that familiar smirk appeared on his face.

"Since you got a C in calculus in 10th grade and I can process a thousand math problems in a second I would say the odds are pretty high." I playfully punched his arm and relished in his laughter.

"Hey! Don't look at my grades!" We were both laughing now as he pulled into my apartment complex.

We took the elevator to get to the 5th floor, as it was thankfully not broken today like it normally is, and I remembered the cupcake in my bag. Reaching in to pull the small plastic box with a blue bow out.

"I forgot," I said presenting the box, "I found this at the store today."

I happily placed the clear box in his open hands and he studied it for moment with a soft smile.

"I-uh... thanks." I nodded with a hum and he began to open it as we walked out of the elevator to my apartment.

I was grateful to be back in my warm, lavender smelling home and sighed with releif as I walked in, peeling off my lightly rain covered coat. Soft low-fi jazz began to play and my automatic fireplace kicked on. I always loved coming home after not being here for a while. It was always so cozy and welcoming, my plush couch and chair swings calling me to sit, soft colorful lighting and my own art covering the walls, showing all my favorite games and movies. My gaming system and balcony were the best parts of living here.

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