Software Instability ^

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"Connor?" I whispered lightly, touching his shoulder.

I don't remember when I moved to lay down on the the other side of the couch, with a pillow and blanket, my legs resting on his lap and his hands lay softly on my calfs. I woke before Hank did and had an hour to get to work, I didn't expect Connor to be... asleep? He sure looked like he was asleep but, android's don't sleep. Do they? I couldn't help but ask myself as I watched his eyes move under his lids, his mouth partly open and his body limp. He looked so relaxed that I realized how much stress he normally holds in his features, but now, his eyebrows are relaxed and the bags under his eyes are gone.

"Connor." I said a little louder into his ear, shaking him lightly.

He opened his eyes softly and just looked at me for a moment, like he was slowly booting back up.

"Hey?" He said, his voice rough and slightly groggy.

"Mornin." I said smiling and rubbing his shoulder, making him smile softly and slowly raise his head, looking around like he just remembered where he was. He looked down at his hands on my leggs and hummed softly, furrowing his brows. He began to rub them lightly with his thumb again, something I'm starting to really like if I'm being honest.

"Were you just... sleeping?" I said starting to remove my legs from his lap and stretch the sleep away.

"Not really..." He said, and I made note of how his eyes drifted to my exposed midrift as I stretched. "I-uh, I was self regulating." His eyes snapped back up to mine as he spoke and I gave him a confused look.

"Like... mental health self regulating?" He stood from the couch, shaking his head.

"No- well- kinda?" He walked into the kitchen and I groggily followed after him. "I test regularly to make sure I'm not becoming deviant, it's like a big blossom garden."

I'm not sure why it surprised me that he does that, of course he would, I guess I just thought they couldn't tell if they were deviant or not. Maybe a prototype thing?

"Well?" I said as the coffee pot began to heat up after he pressed the button.

"I'm-" he leaned on the counter, hands pausing slightly as he reached for a coffee filter "-I'm not a deviant." He placed the filter in the machine with a odd look in his eyes and I tried to ignore the small disappointment building in my chest from his response.

"It took you all night to figure that out?" I said with a small laugh, poking him playfully. He smiled, but his eyes didn't and I decided to let that conversation go and sit at the kitchen table.

We heard the crashing about of hank waking up and both looked up to his door to see him stumble out of his bedroom towards the bathroom with a grumble of something about 'fuckin cowboys' and 'gonna puke' as Connor slowly set a cup of coffee down in front of me. We both turned from looking at Hank to each other and tried to contain our bursting laughter so he wouldn't hear and Connor turned to make Hank a cup of coffee too as he clearly needed it. I gratefully from drank my cup, Perfectly made, of course, and exactly how I like it. I wouldn't mind every morning to be like this.



Despite being designed to complete my mission I didn't want to go back to the precinct today. I would have been perfectly fine just staying at Hank's and laughing over stupid things at brekfast, but no, Hank got a call while we we're cleaning up and we had to rush to get ready and speed in, there was a break-in last night. The leader of the rebellion group crashed a truck into an android store and freed hundreds of androids. Walking past all of the slogans begging for freedom and change, insisting they're alive, left a strange feeling in the pit of my chest. Hank talked to the cops like normal and I looked around for any clues, they worked too clean though. No human witnesses and they cut the security system, the drone caught sight of them as it was indicated in the system that there was an intruder but it was quickly dismantled and its memory got erased in the process, leaving us nothing to work with. Hank rubbed his beard as we walked, around was deep in thought. His brows furrowed like he was upset but his mouth pursed as he slowly took in the scene.

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