La La Land

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Luckily I got pretty warm on the way to my apartment but my clothes were completely soaked through. We rode in silence and I held connors hand the entire way there. Really being able to feel how soft his skin was and let myself think about how I feel about this. I ran my thumb over the back of his hand and sqeezed to feel how hard his underlay was under that plush, smooth skin. No doubt he has that adorable confused face on with a yellow LED but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Afraid he might dissappear or revert back to the robot Connor I met a month ago.

I decided I don't know how I feel anymore. I know I love him but that's how humans are. They love deeply and forget easily. But androids, I have no idea. I guess no one does. With deviants on the rise I wonder if any other androids had fallen for their humans. We arrived to my house before I could think myself into another day gone at work.

When we arrived he opened my car door for me and we walked hand in hand only releasing to unlock and open the door.

I stepped into the warm apartment with a sigh of relief my colorful lights turn on automatically and my fireplace flickers to life with my entrance.

"I'm going to get out of these wet clothes" I started to turn around but paused "did... did you want a change of clothes? I mean- I know you're not cold... or anything but, wet clothes can't-" I looked at his white shirt clinging to his fit frame, "can't be fun" see-through by how wet it was. I had to physically pry my eyes to look away only to see him smirking at me.

"I would actually." There was a twinge of something in his voice that sucked all the air out of my lungs.

"Okey dokes" I turn and head into the bedroom beating myself up with how dumb I sound. "You can pick a movie if you want!" I shouted from the bedroom and heard him kick his shoes off as he searched for one.

I peeled the wet clothes off of myself quickly and relished in the heat of my apartment, moving to stand over the heater vent and let it warm my ice cold skin. Taking another opportunity to think as I warmed up.

I curse connors silent steps as I hear the door creak open leaving me no time to make myself decent.

"I thought we could watch La la lan-" He said, stopping in his tracks when he looked up at me, dvd in his hand slowly lowering and his LED flashed from red to circling yellow. His eyes fixated on my body, analyzing me again, making me squirm to rush and grab a blanket to cover myself.

"Jesus, Connor! You can't just- oh my god." His cheeks were getting redder by the second, but instead of leaving in a stream of apologies like anyone else would, no, instead he took a step forward.

Oh God.

"I thought you would've been dressed already," he said in a deep uneasy voice, continuing to walk towards me. Stopping only when we were inches apart. I cursed his android abilities to see my racing heart and heavy breathing. Despite the blush, his face was determined, analytical, and his hair fell messily as it dries from the rain.

He lifted a hand to my arm, following it with his eyes, and softly crassed his way up my arm, ending with cupping my face in his soft palm. My eyes closed instinctively and his soft lips touched mine once again.

Softer this time. More explorative than desperate or messy and drunk. He kissed me slowly and softly pressing our bodies together as he slid his arm around my waist, fingers dipping below the blanket halfhazardly thrown around me. His hand on my back softly explored as I began poured all of my pent up emotion and want into the kiss. He quickly responded to my every move, adapting quickly to various kisses.

Never before have I had a kiss so passionate. Everything melted away when he added pressure to the hand on my back, pulling us flush together, my hands no longer holding up the blanket but our bodies. Giving me the freedom to slide my fingers to grip the back of his shirt and neck deepening the kiss by pulling him down and opening my mouth, which he inserted his tounge into immediately, causing a moan to slip past my lips. The escaped sound seemed to encourage him more as the kiss become more and more desperate and messy by the second. I was thankful when he started to trail his kisses down my neck as I got the chance to catch my breath.

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