Blue eggs and ham

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I don't sleep but I would lay in bed with her 8 hours every nighy if I had the choice, wrapped up all naked. I watched her chest lift and fall as she breathed, scanning her to memorize every detail. Her hair was healthy but a little dry due to stress. Her skin glowed from the sex and her eyes moved back and forth, telling me she was dreaming. I decided not to intrude on her dream as I got up to make her breakfast before she woke up in 23 minutes, according to her REM levels.

I just put on my jeans and a coat, skipping the shirt so I'm decent enough to walk about the house. I start a pot of coffee and started making breakfast from what she had in the fridge. Eggs and vegetarian bacon and sausage. I'm surprised I didn't know she was vegetarian. She must have smelled it as I hear her slowly walking out of the bedroom 7 minutes early.

"Cooofffeeeee." She groaned making me laugh. She walked over to pour herself a cup with far too much creamer and I realized she was wearing my shirt with nothing underneath. That ever present blush crept up my cheeks and chest. "This is amazing, Connor. But, you don't have to do this y'know?" She said inbetween sips, looking at the food in the pan. Even though her words are saying she doesn't want it her salivation levels rising at the sight of the food told me otherwise.

"I mean- you don't even need any of these things like coffee and brekfast... right? Or do you like to eat blue eggs and ham?" She said chuckling, resting her head against my shoulder as I cooked the food.

"I know I don't have to. But I want to..." she smiled and leaned against the counter. "And maybe there will be, I could be the first android to do a thirium restaurant." I said laughing, plating her food and placing it on the table. She looked up at me wearily but sat down anyways.

"You..." she started, waving her hand in my direction "doing such domestic things for me, it feels- I don't know," I came to sit by her and hold her hand. "Like you're still just following your... what you were- y'know." She said, struggling to actually say that I was locked into my programming.

"I was not designed for this." I said emphasizing 'this' with a gestured towards the food, causing her to laugh and shake her head, giving me a look thst made my thirium regular soar before she hesitantly took a bite of the sausage and sighed out of her nose.

"Mmmm, are you sure?" She laughed and ate the rest of food gratefully as I excused myself to shower. Giving her a kiss before I left.


I was practically beaming as we walked to the precinct. I'm not sure my face was designed to smile this much but I just couldn't stop. We held hands as we walked through the glass doors into the mostly empty lobby, closed to the public today, and I dropped her off at her desk.

"I'll see you after work?" She asked.

"Absolutely, I'll be right here." I said as she settled into her desk.

"Counting on it." She smiled that beautiful smile at me and as I turned towards the officers desks with my thoughts full of her. I was glad to see the Lutenient already here and rolled over to my desk, sliding into my seat across from him and looking at the game Hank was playing on his computer. "A prototype android late for his shift," He grumbled before looking at me and smiling slowly.

"Why ya late con?" He said with a smirk, leaning back in his chair.

"Well I-uh" I hestiated, "We uh-"

"Yea you did." Hank said, fully smiling now and chuckling, causing me to roll me eyes and turn towards my computer. Of course he could tell.

"Yes... we did." I tried not to, but smiled and chuckled softly as I opened the new deviant cases.

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