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tonight, harry and i were going for a nice dinner and some drinks. we had been getting along really well, but it was annoying me that i couldn't officially call him mine, and tonight i planned to talk to him. i rolled out of my bed in the late afternoon then went for an everything shower, before changing into a nice white top and some leather trousers. i straightened my hair then put on some light make up.


you ready yet?

yeah i am x

i'll leave now


i had been sitting at my desk, filming tiktoks and waiting on harry. a sidemen tiktok came up on my for you page and i eagerly looked at the comments.

harryismine is that a HICKEY??? @/wroetoshaw
sdmnfan wow harry been getting busy
w2sisbae ok but i hope harry is still single lol

people had spectated about harry and i for a while now as we had been caught in the back of a youtube video. some of them weren't very nice, but that was something i expected after hearing the struggles that faith, talia and freya had to deal with on a daily basis. as someone who makes a living from posting pictures of herself on instagram, i had received a fair few hate comments before so they didn't affect me. hearing a knock at the door, i put my phone on the desk and got up to go answer it. at the other side of the door stood harry, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts - his usual.

"you look nice," he smiled as i opened the door.

"aww thank you," i smiled, stepping to the side so he could come in.

i walked through to my room, sitting myself back down at my desk.

"i thought you were ready?" harry laughed, throwing himself back onto my bed.

"just some finishing touches," i smiled at him through the mirror and put some lipgloss on my lips. "right let's go," i grabbed my bag and put my phone, keys and some other necessities in it. where we were going wasn't a far walk from my flat, so we left and walked there hand in hand.

"this is nice," i smiled looking up at him as we walked in sync.

"what is?" he laughed a little.

"just this, i'm happy," i laughed.

"god, who are you and what have you done with abbie?" he laughed, looking back at me.

"fuck off," i laughed, punching his arm.

"i'm happy too," he smiled as we walked into the restaurant.

the weather wasn't bad, it wasn't cold but it wasn't warm either. despite the fact it wasn't the warmest, we decided to take a seat at one of the tables outside and ordered a few drinks to start us off.

"harry," i said, looking at him shyly.

"yes?" he questioned, looking back at me.

"erm," i nervously put my drink down on the table and fiddled with the necklace that was around my neck, "what are we?"

"what do you mean?" he looked as nervous as i felt now.

"it's obvious we both like each other, and i don't want to rush things or anything like that. i'm happy, like really happy. i just wanted to know what we are. like how do you f-"

harry cut me off, "abbie, i do really like you. i just haven't been able to find the right moment to ask you this, and i suppose now is perfect. you do mean a lot to me and er, well i guess what i was going to ask you is, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

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