Ch. 1-What If She Did Love Me?

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Narrator's POV

When Emily got home, she immediately got back into bed. She knew she shouldn't be living like this. I have to move on. Its what Ali would have wanted. Oh great, now I'm talking like she's dead, Emily thought to herself. She heard her front door close. She figured it was her roommate, Sara Harvey.

When the girls were all trapped in A's lair, they found her there also. They found out that she's been down there for 2 years. It took a while for her to trust anyone or to even act normal but she eventually moved on. She stayed with Emily and her mom for a bit and she was very thankful for them.

Her and Emily automatically clicked and Emily, being the sweetheart she is, did everything in her power to make Sara feel at home again. They have hooked up a couple of times in the past but thought it was best for them to stay friends.

"Emily? You home?" Sara called out. When she received no response, she knocked on Emily's door and opened it. She thought Emily was sleeping and was about to shut the door when she heard, "I'm awake."

"Oh, good. I called you a few times but you didn't answer so then I texted Aria and she said that you and Hanna kind of got into it. I know its none of my business", Sara stated, not realizing that she was rambling.

Emily actually thought it was cute, "Hey no it's ok. You're worried. And sorry I wasn't picking up, I didn't feel like talking to anyone."

Sara gave her a side smile and said, "We all have shitty days once in a while. You wanna talk about it?" Sitting up, she replied, "I actually do. I just don't know what to say."

"Well you can start with what you and Hanna were arguing about", Sara suggested.

Emily nodded her head and began by saying, "It was about Alison. Hanna thinks she's dead and I'm pretty sure the girls agree with her. She was just saying these rude things about her and even before today whenever Ali is brought up, she just constantly bashes on her. Even if she was dead, is that how you would talk about someone you once called a friend? I mean, yes Ali has treated us all badly but no one's perfect. But Hanna sure as hell acts like she is. It's like she gives zero fucks about her being gone. Yes, its been 3 years but over the course of those years, Hanna has showed nothing but heartless opinions about her. I'm not gonna just sit around and watch someone I care about rip on someone else I care about. I love Hanna, she's one of my best friends in the entire world but she can be the biggest bitch in the entire world."

At this point, Emily was out of breath and honestly felt a lot better now that almost everything was off her chest. Once Sara was sure that she had finished, she spoke, "Have you guys ever considered actually talking. Arguing won't get you anywhere. Look, I don't know what Alison did to any of you but I'm sure she wasn't as bad of a person that I hear everyone portray her as. Just talk to Hanna Em. Figure out what she's feeling and ask questions."

"I guess you're right. There's a little party at the Brew tonight and I'll try to pull her aside and talk to her there", Emily decided. Sara smiled, "There's a start."

Emily returned the smile and said, "You should come. You're always cramped up somewhere studying. Let loose girl."

"I don't know. Partying's not really my style", Sara said back. Emily's noticed this too. She's still trying to break this girl out of her shell. "Come on please? Just this once, I'll be with you. Then maybe after, we can go swimming in the ocean at the beach. Something I know you love."

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