Ch.9-Hypnotic Poison

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Narrator's POV

What am I getting myself into, Alison thought to herself as she made her way over to the dinner table. "You know, I really don't understand why we're having dinner again", she said as silence filled the room.

"Well I don't think I really gave you guys enough anyways, you're probably still hungry", Pam said hoping Alison would drop it.

She rolled her eyes and simply said, "I'm not."

Aria sent her a weird look trying to figure out what her problem was.

"So Aria, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to Ezra. I thought I'd see the two of you riding off into the sunset together", Pam said laughing at her "joke".

Aria giggled along and told her, "We hit a really rough patch in our relationship so we decided to take a break and on that break he..." She trailed off leaving everyone, especially Alison curious.

"What happened?" Emily asked.

Aria began to tear up a bit and announced, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I lost my appetite."

She scooted her chair away from the table and practically ran up the stairs. "Ok I think dinner's over, Emily help me with the dishes?" Pam said to her daughter.

Hanna went and sat on the couch in the living room while texting Caleb. Alison was about to go find Aria but her arm was grabbed, once again.

"What do you want?" Alison said very annoyed.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier for trying to kiss you", Logan said with no hint of an apology in his brown eyes.

Alison huffed, "Are you really sorry?'

Logan cracked a smile, "To be honest, I'm not."

"Then why are we doing this?" Alison said pointing between the two of them. "Because you want me to be sorry and I'm showing effort."

"Trying to get on my good side I see", Alison said with the face she had when he walked through the door. "You can say that", Logan responded with a creepy smile.

"Ok I don't know what your deal is but you better not hurt Aria. She's obviously been through enough", Ali said concerned for her friend.

"What makes you think I would hurt her in any way?" Logan asked in a curious voice.

"Do you have short term memory loss? You're a doctor I'm pretty sure you can fix that. You are a doctor right?" Alison asked smirking at Logan's staring thinking that he was at a loss for words.

But that staring soon turned cold. "I saved your little girlfriend's life didn't I?"

"Yea you did. But that doesn't mean you can touch me or speak to me how ever you want ok? I suggest you-" Alison was cut off by heels clacking their way.

"Hey babe", Logan said to Aria who had puffy eyes.

"Hey", she fake smiled. "Are you ok?" Alison asked her but she shook her head and more tears started to fall.

"Give us a minute alone", Alison demanded from Logan who was about to argue but the two other girls came over as well.

"It'll just be a sec", Aria said to him.

When he finally agreed Hanna asked, "Ok what really happened with you and Ezra? Must've been bad if you're crying this much."

"Do you guys remember Maggie?" Aria asked them. They shook their heads no so she said, "The woman who claimed that she had a son with Ezra?"

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