Ch.21- Home is Where the Toby is

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Narrator's POV

Emily was currently laying down on her couch watching tv when she heard the door bell ring. That's odd, she thought to herself, considering the fact that she barely got visitors. She walked to the door and asked "who is it?"

A tiny "Me", was heard and she knew that voice. She instantly opened the door and was met with a stressed looking Toby. "Hey", he said walking in and going straight to the kitchen. "Got any beer?"

"Um, no, I don't drink beer", Emily answered after closing the door.

Toby rummaged through the fridge and then slammed it shut when he found nothing. "No vodka? Nothing? I mean come on Emily you work at a freaking bar for God's sake."

"Ok Toby I think you need to calm down just a bit", She told him with a surprised face.

The cop laughed, "Calm down? I'm fine. I'm...ok."

"Then why did you come to my house looking for a drink?"

"I just needed someone to talk to", he responded in a quiet voice.

"Well okay then. So what's going?" She asked pulling him to sit down next to her on the couch. "I um, I don't know. Spencer's just been acting really strange lately."

"What do you mean?"

Toby folded his hands together before saying, "I can't help but feel like she's keeping something from me."

"Did you try talking to her about it?" Emily asked with an annoyed tone. "I did. But she started accusing me of not trusting her, we had a huge fight, and here I am."

Emily took a breath. She was used to be Dr. Phil for her friends but they honestly needed to work things out on their own. Besides, she was in a relationship of her own and needed to focus on that. "What do you think she's hiding from you?"

"I don't know but I think...she might be ch-" He started but the brunette cut him off sharply. "Don't. Don't say it. You know Spencer's not like that. She'd never cheat on you."

"Well it's the only thing I can think of right now. I'm so stressed. I got suspended from work, she kicked me out of the house-"

Emily shook her head in disbelief and asked, "Wait you got suspended? For what?"

"For fighting", He replied shamefully.

"Another officer?"

"Look, it wasn't my fault alright? He started it and I was just defending myself. But my boss didn't care what I had to say so he suspended both of us. Spencer was livid and that's kind of how the argument started."

"So you have nowhere to stay right now", She stated more than asked. "Nope", he replied anyway.

"So what are you going to do?"

Toby looked down, "I had planned on actually asking you if I could crash here. Just for a few days until I figure everything out."

Emily was caught off guard but looked down to see a bag which she assumed to be filled with clothes and had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes. She knew he only came to her because he figured she wouldn't say no. Emily was just that type of person. Instead of giving him a straight answer she said, "Why don't you go shower and get some rest right now because you look really tired. We'll talk later about this."

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