Ch.31- When There Was Me and You

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A/N: Throwback lmao. Enjoy!

Alison's POV

I woke up to bright lights and a white room. I looked down at myself and saw I was in a gown. It was obvious to me now that I was in a hospital room which was slightly confusing to me. I woke up before this in a house with the girls. All I remember is seeing Hanna and Aria crouched down beside Emily who had tears spilling from her eyes. Everything after that was a blur though.

My thoughts were interrupted when a doctor peeked her head into the room. She smiled at me to which I politely returned. "Hello Alison. I'm Doctor Williams. How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy. And confused", I said honestly.

"Confused is normal. But you're most likely dizzy because of the substances you were fed."

"What did he give me?" I nervously asked her and she looked down to her clipboard.

"Sleeping pills", She stated. "You're a lucky one. A lot of people don't make it past 6 a day."

"6? He gave me 6 pills a day?" I exclaimed.

"If our calculations are correct then yes. But we've flushed them out of your system. You should regain your energy in the next couple of weeks."

"Is there anyway that you can see if know", I asked hoping she'd understand what I was getting at.

Realization dawned on her face before she answered, "Don't worry we've ran tests and they proved that there hasn't been any intercourse involved from the time you've been with him."

"Thank you."

"Of course", The doctor said sweetly. "Your friends are here to see you. I'll send them in."

I watched her leave and waited until I saw familiar faces. After minutes of anticipation, four familiar faces walked into the room.

"It's so good to see you", Aria said being the first to run up and hug me. Spencer and Hanna hugged me next and once they let go, our eyes went to Emily. She stood in place before sighing and softly pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay baby", She whispered into my ear and I felt myself tear up. It felt like heaven to be back in her arms.

"How are you feeling?" She asked once she we pulled away.

"Just slightly light headed. The doctor said I should feel fine in a couple of weeks", I answered.

"That's good", Spencer said as the girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"Does anyone know where my dad is?" I asked, noticing his absence. I watched as they all exchanged unreadable looks. And that's when Emily told me everything that happened. From Brendan sending her the notes all the way up until she was forced to choose me over my dad. I wanted to be upset that she almost killed him but I just couldn't. Her heart was in the right place. And I loved her even more for dealing with what she went through.

As if right on cue, my father walked into the room. He looked the healthiest he's ever been which was quite surprising considering the fact that he took a hammer to the skull.

He eyed Emily before turning his attention to me. "Alison."


"How are you feeling?" He asked. Something told me that he didn't really care how I was feeling. There was something he needed to say. I could see it in his eyes.

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