First meet with grandparents 😊 Part 6

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Grandmother - After all, you have come dear, we thought that we would never be able to see you.

Grandfather - You are right, I thought I would die without seeing my granddaughter.

Mr. Sansh - Don't say that papa.

Grandfather - And what should I say now!

Ayesha - Don't say that grandfather. Now I am here.

Grandfather - Ok beta. We really miss you Ayesha.

Grandmother - Now will you just stand here and talk, will you please come inside too? Let's go Ayesha beta.

Ayesha - Ji Grandmother.

They all come in, show grandfather and grandmother Ayesha her childhood picture and also tell her about her mischievous behaviour.
In the midst of all this, some childhood pictures of Yanshu also come. Then he also tells Ayesha about her how Yanshu always took care of her.
They tells Ayesha that once you started falling from the sofa while playing, then Yanshu saved you by placing his hand under your head. But blood started coming from Yanshu's hand.

Yanshu - Just stop it Grandpa and Grandma is nothing like that.

Everyone starts laughing after listening to Yanshu.

Grandfather - It's just that Ayesha. When Yanshu was 5 years old and you were 2 years old.

While they are talking, it becomes night and Mr. Sansh goes to the kitchen to cook.  Along with him, Ayesha also goes to help him.

They cook and bring food.Everyone sat together and started eating while talking.

After eating food Yanshu goes to his home.

In the morning, Mr. Sansh asks Ayesha to accompany him to the company.

Ayesha - But I don't want to go today, father.  I have to stay with Grandpa and Grandma today.

Mr. Sansh - Ok.

Ayesha - Hmm.

Mr. Sansh - Tomorrow is the weekend so you should go to the company the next day. I would like to introduce you to everyone.

Ayesha- Ok Papa.

After saying this she she goes to her grandparents and she spends such a good time with them.
They enjoy a lot and also do a lot of shopping.
They go to different places to visit and  their car driver for that day is Mr. Parkash.

Please read the next part for next............😊😊🤗🤗🤗

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