Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

"Oh, dear... come on now. Let's get you inside and get those wounds treated, alright?" He said. I just nod my head. I feel their hands on my back, as they slowly guide me inside the house. The only thing on my mind is why did Akaza left so suddenly.



"Are you sure you're fit enough to sell flowers again, honey?" I hear my mother said. I turn my head slightly to her direction. "Your injuries haven't fully healed yet. Why don't you rest a few more days, hmm?" She said. I hear the worry in her voice.

"Mom... I'm gonna be fine, okay?" I said. I gently grab the basket and stands up. I was about to leave the house when a hand is placed on my shoulder. From the feeling, I can tell that it's father's hand.

"Listen to your mom, honey. You know we only want what's best for you" he said. I let out a sigh at what he said. I know they're both worried about me for being a blind girl. But I'm not someone helpless.

"Father... mother. I know that you're both worried for me. But I'm not as helpless as you think I am. If I can't go around on my own... I would have gotten lost long ago. But look at me, despite injured. I'm still able to find my way home" I said.

"Honey. You know that's not what we meant" mother said. I feel hands on my cheeks, gently cupping them. "We're just worried for our little baby. We don't want anything bad to happen to you" she added.

"Yeah. That's the thing! You both treated me like a child because I'm blind! I'm sick of that, okay?! If I can't do a single thing on my own... then I'm nothing but a useless girl! But I'm not like that. So stop treating me like one!" I said. I didn't mean to get so angry, but I'm just tired of the way they treat me like I can't do things on my own just because of my disability. I turn around and storm off.


I keep walking until I'm quite far from home. Along the way, I feel my body ran into something. I fall on my butt. I let out a pained sound because of the impact.

"Woah. Are you okay?" The person said. Judging by the voice it's a man. I feel the man close to me, assuming he's squatting down in front of me. "Here. Let me help you up" he said. I just place my hands on either side of me. I lift my head up and hear a soft gasp coming from him. "Oh I'm sorry... I didn't realize you were..." he trailed off.

"Blind. Yeah... it's okay. You can say it. I'm okay with it. No, I'm not okay about being blind. But it's not a lie. I am blind" I said. I feel a hand gently grabs mine as the person gently helps me up. "Yeah. Thanks about that..." I said.

"You're welcome... I'm Rengoku Kyoujuro. I'm sorry for running into you earlier" he said. I just hum at what he said. I feel his hand slowly leaving mine. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

"I am. And my name is L/N Y/N... a florist. Would you like to buy my flowers?" I asked. I feel him placing an item on my hand. From the texture, I can tell that it's my flower basket.

"Eh... not at the moment. Thanks for the offer though, L/N-San" he said. I just hum softly at what he said and lowers my hand. "Are you lost? Do you need help going around?" He asked.

"No. I can manage. Thanks for asking" I said. I hear a soft laugh coming from him. "I'll be taking my leave now, Rengoku-San. These flowers aren't going to sell themselves" I said.

"Do be careful... and be sure to head home before it's late. Erm... sorry. I guess you don't know if it's late..." he said. I frown at what he said. I feel a sense of panic coming from him. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that. I hope I'm not upsetting your feelings" he said.

"I'm used to it. A lot of people thinks, just because I'm blind... it would mean I'd need people to care for me 24/7..." I said. I feel a gentle pat on my shoulder. He's probably trying to soothe me.

"I didn't mean it to be like that at all. Actually, I know someone with the same condition as you. He's blind too. Yet he's the strongest man I've ever known" he said. I just hum softly at what he said. A soft smile starts to form on my lips.

"Thanks for letting me know. I hope I can be as strong as this man you've mentioned, Rengoku-San" I said. We say bye to each other. I turn around and starts to walk again. I feel someone lingering behind me. "You really didn't have to follow me, Rengoku-San..." I said.

"Eh? How did you know I'm still here?" He asked. I hear the sound of surprise in his tone. I turn my body slightly to face his direction. "Could it be that you... can sense me?" He asked.

"I can..." I said, nodding my head. I smile softly as I turn my body around to face him completely. "Which is why I told you not to worry about me... also, I'm able to tell if the sun is going down based on the feeling of the wind. So yeah... I know when I should head home..." I said.

"That's great to know. Well then, I shall be on my way" he said. I just smile at what he said. I feel his presence slowly moving away. I let out a sigh and turn my body around as I start to walk again.

A While Later

I sit on the ground as I wait for people to come and buy my flowers. The sun has gone down a little. But I still haven't sold any. Which makes me decide to just wait out here a little longer. Maybe there will be buyers soon.

"Hey, I would like to buy a few roses, please..." a voice said. I outstretched my hand, grabbing the flowers. I turn to the person to hand the flowers. "Oh, they're for you" he said.

"Ah... thank you. That's very sweet of you" I said. I stay silent after that as I focus on the person's presence that feels familiar. "Akaza-San... is that you? You changed your voice. But I can still sense you..." I said. I hear a soft chuckle coming from him.

"Man... your senses really are sharp" he said, making a soft smile form on my lips. I feel his presence next to me and assume he had taken a seat. "It's starting to get late out here. It's not safe for girls like you to be out here..." he said. I let out a sigh at what he said.

"Why does everyone treated me like some helpless girl? Both of my parents. The guy that I met today... and now you?" I said. I cross my arms across my chest as I start to pout. I hear another soft chuckle coming from him and a hand gently ruffling my hair.

"I didn't mean to doubt your senses. I'm just worried about you..." he said. He removes his hand from my head, placing it on my shoulder instead. "There are things in this world that are dangerous. Not just for a disabled person. But for every humans. So I just want you to be safe..." he said. A soft smile starts to form on my lips at what he said.

"Akaza-San..." I said. I hear a soft hum coming from him. I turn my head slightly to the direction where his presence is. "Why did you went off so suddenly after dropping me off?" I asked.

"Well..." he trailed off. I just stay silent as I wait for him to explain why he suddenly disappeared. "It's um... it's complicated. I'm sorry but I can't explain it to you. At least... not now. I hope you understand" he said. I just hum at what he said and nod my head.

He kept me company the whole time. Until eventually, he insisted that I should be heading home. Of course, he offered to walk me home and I agree. So together, the two of us make our way back to my house. I also have to apologize with the way I snapped at my parents. I hope they'd forgive me. I feel so bad.

*to be continued*

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