Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

"I will... thank you, Kocho" I said. She only smiled. She turns around, walking away. I let out a sigh and turn to look at L/N. I take a seat on the edge of the bed. I gently hold her hand, placing it on my lap. "Please be okay..." I said. I lean down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

I love you, Y/N



After a series of intense training, I've become almost as good as Rengoku. I even managed to create my own Breathing Technique. I managed to combine two of the Breathing Technique, which is Wind Breathing and Water Breathing. These two techniques created a new one, which is Crystal Breathing Technique.

I've also went to a series of missions, managing to defeat over 50 demons in a span of 3 Months. Which is a great achievement for someone who had never been trained before. Even Rengoku is shocked of my achievements.

I walk side by side with Rengoku as he leads me to the Headquarters. He informs me that Oyakata-Sama who's the leader of Demon Slayer wishes to speak to me. I have no idea what he wants to talk about. So I can only hope that I'm not in any sort of trouble.

"Alright, we're here, L/N-San" Rengoku said. I turn my head to see a huge structure of a house. So this is where the leader lives. He place his hand on my lower back as he guides me further inside the headquarter.

The first thing I notice when we reach the meeting area is that there are a lot of other people here. They each have a strong aura, much like Rengoku. I'm guessing these people are what Rengoku said to be the Hashira's who holds the highest rank as Demon Slayers. Among them, is a man with shoulder length black hair. The most noticeable feature is that veiny purplish mark on his face. His eyes are milky white, which lets me know that he's blind just like I was.

"Ah, our guest has arrived" he said. Rengoku walks forward to join the other Hashira's. He kneels down in front of him. The others turns their head to look at me, which makes me flinch. I quickly do the same, claiming a spot in between Rengoku and a long haired boy.

"First, let me introduce myself. I'm Ubuyashiki Kagaya. I'm the leader of the Demon Slayer corps" he said. My eyes widen and lower my head in form of respect for him. "I've heard remarkable things about you, and your performance as a Slayer, Y/N" he said. I lift my head to look at him. He has a soft smile on his face directed to my direction, making it seem like he's looking at me.

"With your progress and how far you've accomplished. I'd like to propose something to you, Y/N..." he said. I just stare at him, wondering what it is that he wants to tell me. "I'd like to promote you to be among the other Hashira. Your title shall be the Crystal Hashira just like your Breathing Technique" he said. My eyes widen in surprise at what he said.

"A-Ah... it would be an honor, Oyakata-Sama..." I said, lowering my head in a bow. I lift my head to look at him. "I will do my best to serve the corps and slay as many demons as I can to protect the weak" I said. A soft smile starts to form on his lips, as he seems satisfied with my response.

"I'm glad, Y/N. Let's welcome the new addition... the Crystal Hashira" he said. I smile softly at what he said. I hear clapping sounds and turn my head to see a pink to green haired girl.

She blushes in embarrassment when she realize she's the only one who clapping. She let out a squeak and covers her face with her hands to hide how embarrassed she is. I let out a soft giggle at her reaction.

She peaks through the gap of her fingers to look at me. I smile softly at her which makes her cheeks reddens. She starts to coo at me. I only manage to catch a few words that came out of her mouth. She mentions how cute and pretty I am. Which makes my cheeks flushed a shade of red.

The meeting is soon over. One by one, everyone starts to leave the area. I follow Rengoku as the two of us are the only ones left. I hold my hands together as we make our way out of the headquarter.

"Y/N-Chan!!" A loud voice said, making me let out a surprised squeak. I turn my head to see Kanroji. She rushes over to me, looping her arm through mine. "We have to celebrate your promotion! Come on!" She said. She didn't even let me respond as she already starts to pull me along. I turn to look over my shoulder to look at Rengoku who only chuckles. I let out a sigh and decided to just follow along. It's not like I can walk out of this. This girl is just too strong.


Kanroji ended up taking me to a restaurant. The other Hashira's are all here. I notice one of them is sitting away from the others. If I remember correctly, his name is Tomioka Giyuu... the Water Hashira.

Kanroji guides me to sit with her and Rengoku claims a spot next to me. "What do you want to eat, Y/N-Chan?" She asked. I turn my head to look at the menu.

"I've never had any of these before. Any suggestion?" I asked. She starts to ramble on how delicious the foods are. I feel a sweat running down the side of my head as she continues on and on. "Eh, I'll just have f/f then..." I said. She grins and nods her head. She calls out for the waiter who takes our orders. I smile at the waiter as a thank you. He blushes a deep shade of red. He quickly turns around and walks away.

"Oh!" Kanroji said, making me jump. I turn my head to look at her. She turn her head to look at me and grins. "Congratulation on being promoted as the new Hashira, Y/N-Chan!" She said, grinning proudly at me.

"Thank you, Kanroji-San..." I said, smiling shyly at her. I notice she starts pouting as she stares at me. "What?" I asked, feeling confused why she stared at me like that.

"Please just call me Mitsuri..." she said. I blink my eyes at what she said. She hugs my arms. "We're friends! Right?" She said, staring at me with doe eyes. I smile softly at what she said.

"Yes, of course" I said. She let out a squeal as she throws her arms around me. I yelp as I lose my balance, sending the two of us falling off the bench. The others let out a laugh at our interaction. A giggle eventually erupted from my lips.

I'm so happy to meet these people and how welcoming they are of me. They make me feel accepted. Mom... Dad... you don't have to worry about me. I have these people by my side. I'm not alone.

*to be continued*

Hidden Love (Akaza X Reader) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara