Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

He kept me company the whole time. Until eventually, he insisted that I should be heading home. Of course, he offered to walk me home and I agree. So together, the two of us make our way back to my house. I also have to apologize with the way I snapped at my parents. I hope they'd forgive me. I feel so bad.



"Won't you come in for a visit tonight, Akaza-San?" I asked, once we're near my house. I didn't receive any response. But I know he's still here because I can still feel his presence. I turn my head slightly towards his way. "Akaza-San?" I called out.

"Sorry, Y/N-San... but I'm not comfortable with meeting a lot of people" he said. I hum softly at what he said. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "I hope you'd understand" he said.

"I do... it's okay if you don't want to come inside my house" I said. I stop walking when I feel my house is near. I turn my body slightly to face Akaza. Even though I can't see him. I can feel where he's standing. "Thank you for dropping me off" I said. I feel him gently placing his hand on my head.

"See you around" he said. I feel his hand comes off my head. I smile softly at what he said. Just like that, I feel his presence fading away. I have no idea how he moved so fast.

"Y/N?" A voice said. I turn my head slightly to the voice. "Oh, Y/N!! I was so worried about you!" The person said. Which I know is my mother. I feel a pair of arms going around me, followed by another. Instantly, I know it's them. My mother and father.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for the way I acted towards you, mom... dad!" I cried out as I wrap my arms around the two of them. I bury my face into their shoulders. "You were both only trying to look out for me. But I snapped at you. I'm so sorry!" I said, tears streaming down both of my cheeks.

"You're back in our arms safely, Y/N. That's all we care about" father said. I pull away slightly. I feel his hands on my cheeks, gently wiping away the tears from my eyes. "But please... don't ever try to run away from us again" he said.

"I won't, father... again, I'm so sorry" I said, my voice cracks a little. They just continue to hold me close. I close my eyes, letting my body sink deeper into their embrace. I'm so glad my parents forgave me for what I did today. I was so worried they're going to be angry with me.


My parents reluctantly agreed to let me continue to sell out flowers. It took a while and a LOT of convincing for them to finally grant me the permission to keep selling flowers. I understand they're both worried about me. After all, the only thing I can see is darkness. I've got no clue of the world, and how things are around me.

I feel presence sitting down behind me. I focus on it, as I try to figure out who it might be. Eventually, a smile forms on my lips. I turn my head slightly to the direction where the person is sitting.

"Akaza-San?" I said. There's a moments of silence. He didn't say anything. Which makes me wonder if I had guessed wrong. But the feeling of his presence is clear. Somehow, I know it's him. "I know it's you, Akaza-San. You're the only one that'll linger around me after sun goes down" I said. I hear him heaving out a sigh.

"Alright, fine... you caught me" he said. A soft smile starts to form on my lips. "Sometimes I wonder if you're actually blind" he said. I scoffs at what he said. I cross my arms across my chest.

"Really? You think I'm pretending?" I said. He didn't say anything. He didn't deny what I said either. "What's the benefit of pretending to be blind? Believe me... all I want is to be able to get my sight back. I hate being like this. I won't ever pretend" I said.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you" he said. I let out a sigh. I feel his hand on my shoulder. "I'm truly sorry, Y/N-San" he said. I just nod my head at what he said. A soft smile grazing my lips to let him know that I forgive him.

"It's starting to get dark out here... don't you have to head home?" He asked. I close my eyes as I a soft breeze brush passed me. He's right, it does feel like it's starting to get quite late. I should head home or my parents will worry about me again.

"Okay..." I said, nodding my head. I move my hand around, trying to find my basket. I feel my hand touch something, along with a hand. "Thank you, Akaza-San" I said, realizing that he had helped me grab my flower basket.

"You're welcome" he said. I can only assume that he's smiling. He gently helps me stand up as I hold the basket in my hands. "I'll drop you off, as always" he said. I just smile gratefully at what he said. The two of us starts walking to the direction of my home.

A While Later

We're about to reach home. I turn my body towards where I assume Akaza is standing. "Akaza-San?" I said. I hear a soft hum from him, letting me know that he's paying attention to me. "It might sound weird.. but is it okay if I touch your face? I want to know what you look like. If that's okay?" I said. I feel my hand being held by him. He gently lift my hand, placing it on his cheek.

"Of course..." he said. He grabs the basket from my hand with his free one. I lift my now empty hand to his other cheek. I start to trace the shape of his face while trying to visualize what he look like.

A soft smile starts to form on my face as I can mentally visualize what Akaza look like. My hand is still on both of his cheeks. "You're really handsome, Akaza-San" I said. I feel his skin growing warmer under my touch, which makes me let out a giggle as I imagine the soft redness on his cheeks. I slowly move my hand from his cheeks, lowering them. Akaza place the basket back into my hand. "Thank you, Akaza-San... I can roughly make out what you look like" I said.

"Yeah... you're welcome. Now let's get you home..." he said. I just nod my head. We turn around and starts to walk again. Akaza keeps one of my hand in his hold. For some reason, the feeling of his hand makes me feel a sense of... warmth.

Why am I feeling this way?

*to be continued*

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