The Devil Himself

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"Heyyyyyy dad..." Charlie nervously picks up the phone. It was only a matter of time before she had to inform Lucifer not only of the man who managed to survive the battle, but also the new guest of the hotel. She was able to procrastinate on this, since her father couldn't be around as much as he wanted, given his duties as leader of hell. However, he'd return to the hotel at some point, and whatever Charlie had in mind, it would be better than letting Lucifer find out on his own.

"Hey Char char, how are things going? How's cherri doing, she always seemed so sweet when she wasn't being terrifying," Lucifer asks, giggling to himself just a bit.

"Oh things are great, Cherri's settling in nicely, and uhh... we have a new guest too!"

"OH really! That's awesome!" Lucifer encourages. "See, I knew I could leave things up to you for a bit, you've got this girl!"

"Ha, thanks dad," Charlie smiles.

"Aww, you're welcome sweetie. So who are they, what's the name?"

"Ah yes... the name, that's... an important thing to consider when meeting a new person," Charlie begins to ramble.

"Haha yeah totally totally, I always struggle to remember names, you know? What's your mother's name, lilly or something like that haha!" Lucifer says, desperately trying to relate to his daughter. "But uhh... what's the name."

"Uhhhh...." Charlie begins to sweat.

"You're gonna have to tell him eventually kid," Husk responds while cleaning glasses in a small sink at the end of the bar, opposite to where Charlie is sitting. Her phone laying down on the table next to a few empty shot glasses.

"Stay quiet," Charlie whispers, "The name isn't exactly something my father's going to forget anytime soon!"

"Uhhh Charlie, everything okay sweetie?" Lucifer says, his voice coming from the phone's speaker as Charlie endlessly stares at it, desperately trying to come up with a way to break the news. Meanwhile, Husk scoffs.

"I'll go ahead and get you another drink."

"Yeah yeah... everything's a-okay with me dad!" Charlie slowly rambles out.

"Really... kinda sounds like you're trying not to say something here?"

"What?!? Nooooo, that's crazy! Why would I be trying to hide a name from you, names are no big deal, a name is nothing, not worth freaking out over at all!..."

"Okay... so what's the name?"

"So uhh... his name. It's... adam." Charlie barely manages to let out.

"Oh, so that's why you were nervous to say it! I get it now. Adam eh? Bit of a cursed name if you asked me, but that's not his fault he has the same name as that bastard." Lucifer laughs, "What's he like?"

"Well... bit of an egotist, potty mouth, little respect for authority..." Charlie's voice lowers to a whisper.

"...Kinda starting to sound like him too," Lucifer says while holding the phone closer to his face than before.

"Actually, he looks quite like him as well," Husk says loud enough for Lucifer to hear.

"HUSK!!" Charlie responds, somehow managing to shout and whisper at the same time, while husk smugly smiles to himself about the situation.

"He's gonna find out eventually."

"I know but-" Charlie tries to say before looking at her phone, seeing that her father had already hung up.

"Oh no..."

"Ohh boy..."

Suddenly, a large crash comes from behind. Before Charlie or Husk could even process what had happened, Lucifer had Adam by the neck, pinning him down to the bottom floor after jumping him in his hotel room and pushing him through the two stories of solid wood and stone. Charlie always forgot her father could teleport as easily as he could walk. There was another thing she hadn't realized yet, In Lucifer's demonic form, each flap of his six wings reverberated endlessly through the air, sending chills down the spine of every soul in hell. At the end of the day, Charlie sometimes let herself forget that her father was the devil himself, but that was not something she could ignore right now.

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