chap2: stats and a family gathering

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Rimuru pov:

Life is boring , very boring as a chiled the only things i do is eat sleep and poop then repeat , it has been exactly 5 months 3 weeks 23 days 8 hours 56 minutes and 9 seconds , you might be asking how do i know ?.

Well its all thanks to my super computer that is in my soul!.

Well atleast there is someone that i can speak with "even if its only a one sid conversation".

And actually iam learning about this world from great sage , after all i need knowledge to survive and grow stronger and from what i learned from the first leasen is in this worled there is no humana rights and all that stufe and second humans is one of many races in here there is dwarves , demons , angels , beastmens , halfhumans , and elf's!.

And many more and also there is monsters and in that category there is two egowith and egoless .

Egowith , are monsters that has an ego culture and language , and they can think and grow like humans but they are monters and still considerd danger to humanty , its kinda racist thoe.

Egoless, are monater that very much with no mind only have instinct to eat sleep and kill who ever you see its considerd a bigger threat than egowith as they uselly do not interact or attack humans for no reasen and its confirmes that egowith monsters hunte and consider egoless monster as danger .

And i learned that naming a monater will make it evolve and became stronger and get new skills or evolve some , but it come with a sacrfice for the namer and that is he lose some of his magicules and if the namer is weak he might die .

Well thats the basic for now there is more like language and rwiteing , well i have mastered the language but as for writeing i need to grow up first .

And so my life is going well my mom and father are good parents but one thing yes one thing that i dont like about my father and its hes eagernes to make me laugh every time he came to my room and i just realise why children cry when you try to make them laugh , WHO WILL LAUGH AT THIS FACES OF AN OLD MAN WITH A BEARD GOING ON AND MAKING A FACE THAT STARTED TO LOOK LIKE AN ALIEN HUH?!.

Ahh well i also got to know that i have 3 older brothers and one elder sister , they are not here curently as the oldest son is 28 years old man a captain in one of the royal knights orders and the second is my sister she's 23years old and she is marreid to a young marquie in ingrasia that mean i might not see her anytime soon and then come my second brother and the 3rd chiled he's 18 years old and work as a merchant in a neighboring kingdome so yeah not seeing him anytime soon as well .

Time skip a day:

Hmm remember what i said yesterday i take all that back , because suprisingly my old man(father) called a family meeting or a gathering , ahh noble stufe that i dont understand much , well and from what i learned from the maids that are talking and i heard them thanks to the new extra skill i got with sage(great sage but for short its sage ok?)help its called "magic sense" it let me see in 360' and hear for over 300m and see too thats op for a humane and your going to ask again how is your brain not fryed well its one word .


(praise me more master)

...did you just respond...

(notice its just your imagenation)

No iam sure you said something .

(its,just,your,imagenation,got it?)

Y-yes sir/ma'am "how can it be scary and it did not say notice this time!".

Well back to what i was saying , with the skill i heard they are making a party for my birth and my mother and father contacted my 3 siblings and my grandparents from my mom side as for father side no one , because they all are dead back then in a war that happend about 15 years ago my father's father died along his first son leaving my father and grandmother alone , my father's mom died a natural death 3 years before my birth dieing from old age , i really pity him atleast he has a loving family a women to love and 3 kids .

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