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Jisoo's heart was thumping inside as she enters the room. But it was empty, she starts thinking where he is when one of the person answers "your majesty will be arriving soon, he is in a surrounding". He gave a bow of respect and left including the maid. Jisoo tool a deep breath and sat down waiting for him.

Time was passing, but there's no trace of the King. Her mind diverted to the thought of how she reached here. All she remembers is she slipped on coca-cola and she wakes up in a kingdom. "I want to go back!" She cries out dramatically. Then she thought if she could meet author anyhow but how is it possible! But at this point she thinks anything is possible.

Her overthinking mind started wondering if her house is okay? If someone broke into her house who'll take care? Will anyone noticed she disappeared? "My boss will definitely notice my absence" she cheerfully says but then a sigh skips from her mouth "but for how many days he'll search for me, in few days he would fire me" then her mind wandered about the main thing tonight THE REUNION NIGHT. "Ahhhh I cannot sleep with this devil! He might be handsome but no way I'm losing virginity to him!!" She walks here and there while whinning. She doesn't want to sleep with King but this body doesn't belong to her, it belongs to another Jisoo. But still she's inside this body so she'll feel right? She whines and cried out at this thought.

And that's how it was almost morning. She fell asleep alone. The maids calls her from outside and asked for permission to enter. Jisoo rubbed her eyes stil drowsy. "It's morning?" She thinks then it hits her the King didn't came last night means he didn't do anything with her! She starts her happy dancing while the maids enters, their eyes widened. "Come dance!" She was happily jumping around the room and pulled the maids too. The maids were hesitating because if any of guards or the King's soldier saw them they'll be beheaded.

They couldn't deny the fact, Jisoo's cheerful dancing was irresistible so they also joined Jisoo smiling. They all danced together with the door closed for safety.

After their heavy dancing workpiece, they were helping Jisoo to get ready for the day. "My lady, you're so changed" Jisoo gulps. "Huh? What do you meant?" She asks fearing they'll doubt on her. "One year ago when you came to this place, you were so quite and so graceful. Even everyone would bully you,trouble you. But look at you, the way you smile now is different" they braided Jisoo's soft hairs. They really feel Jisoo is so changed. their lady Jisoo was one of the prettiest woman after Neighbor Kingdom's lady Lisa. But right now they think their lady is the prettiest woman in the world.

"Is that a compliment?" Jisoo asks trying to sound authoritive. "Yes, my lady. We don't dare to say otherwise" they all bowed quickly apologies. Jisoo laughed little "the day I fell on the water I think some of my memories washed away, so I want you two to be my right hands, help me whenever I forget anything. Could you?" She looks at them questioning. They all nodded vigorously. "Now tell me about King family"Jisoo stares at them. "King has a mother, sister and a kid" Jisoo doesn't remember the King has a kid! "Kid is his dead brother's" Jisoo nods her head. "How do they behave with me?"

"Our Queen mother adores you, she had choosen you for King. But no one knows why King never get close to his mother. King's sister Ruby Jane doesn't really seems to like you or anyone, she always stays alone and away from everyone even his brother. King's adopted child lives away from here, no one knows why and where" Jisoo scrunched her eyebrows. King and his family both are confusing.

"How about my family? Where are they?" Jisoo asks. "My lady, your family lives in this Kingdom but different area. Your father does a flower business and you also have a brother" Jisoo sighs in relief that if somebody she leaves the King, she will go to her home. "My lady, you must be sad, king didn't visited last night and made you wait for the whole night " Jisoo didn't really care more like she was relieved. "I'm really hungry" the maids thought Jisoo was diverting topic to not be sadder.

Jisoo ate alone too, of course this jerk doesn't have time for his wife. That's why she might had commited suicide. Now she thoughts on how to get back to her own life. If she could fall and get here then if she falls again then she'll get back to her own place. "EXACTLY!" She yells clapping hands. Maids were startled and looked at her surprised.

Jisoo drop little water on the ground infront of their room. She acted to fall and fall down slowly making sure she doesn't get hurt. She does this same thing for almost 10 times. The maids were holding her "my lady, what are you doing!? You'll get hurt!" They couldn't hold her she keeps slipping from them. She keeps trying again and again. Nothing works.

Maids thought their lady is going crazy because her husband doesn't love her. "My lady, stop it" they cried out staring at eachother's face.

While the whole circus going on, Jisoo and her maids didn't noticed King Taehyung has arrived back. He and his soldiers saw lady Jisoo acting strange. Taehyung's confused expressions made the soldiers little laugh but they didn't let out any sound. "majesty, shall we go?" His right hand asked. He nods looking at him back from Jisoo. Before going he eyes Jisoo one more time. "What happened to her now?" He mutters slowly making sure none hear.

He was taking bath after a long journey but his mind diverting to his wife. "What is she up to?" He says rewinding her image of falling down and again doing same thing.

His guard was outside of the bath place when He calls out "tell the maids to get empress in my place" the guards look at eachother being shocked. Since when King started meeting Queen after his long journey, heck when does he meet him anyways.

They went to tell the maids and came back to inform King they had told. Taehyung told them to leave him alone.


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