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Jisoo and Prince reached the palace and sneaked into his chamber by the window like they sneaked out before.

Jisoo quickly comes out of Prince's chamber and walked around normally as if they didn't ran to reach house little while ago. Taehyung's chamber was right beside Prince's chamber so he saw Jisoo strolling around, she smiled nervously and says "I am trying to digest the food I just had, too much food!" She couldn't maintain eye contact while lying, it was a habit of Jisoo. Quickly giving him a bow and wishing goodnight, she ran to her chamber. While Taehyung stares at her running figure.

Almost two weeks passed, Jisoo would often sneak out of the palace with prince. She just wanted the kid to enjoy his childhood. Then being confined into a room or a big mansion. A morning, Taehyung stood in the balcony having some tea made by Jisoo. He looks around his country, praising himself for maintaining the country like it was for years. His eyes falls on Jisoo and Prince talking about something while laughing hard. It was the first time he saw prince laughing with Jisoo. Moreover he hardly ever saw his adopted son or his wife smiling. He found himself staring at the sight little bit longer than usual. He tears off his eyes when being called by his soldiers.

During the afternoon tea, Jisoo had to sit infront of him and give him a leg massage. Jisoo was basically doing everything a maid would supposedly do for Taehyung. He closes his eyes leaning on the seat, feeling relaxed as well. Jisoo's fingers were aching, as well as her back. She has been working hard these days but this cruel husband wouldn't really care about her at all. She glares at the guy who had his eyes closed. Suddenly he spoke making Jisoo startled "since when Prince Jun likes talking to you?" Jisoo didn't wanted to share details so she said half truth "actually prince likes painting as well" Taehyung eyes were still closed when he asked again "painting as well? You paint since when?" Jisoo was caught up, she likes painting but does Queen Jisoo likes painting? She never asked anyone. Before she could made another lie he speaks "Prince will leave in few more days, so we will have a ceremony for him before he goes like every year we do" Jisoo sighs in relief.

She was tired and wanted him to order her to leave but he was enjoying the service. He felt her fingers stopped pressing so he opens his eyes to check up on her. He found her asleep on top of his legs. Blankly staring at her for a while, later he sat up and kept staring at her. Without any break, his stare broke when he felt sun going down right on her face. She slowly scrunched her eyes by the sudden flash of sunlight.

She wakes up and saw the place was empty, only she was sitting there. Soon the maid comes with tea and snacks for her.

"I heard you're leaving?" Jisoo asks sitting beside Jun. He nods already packing his stuffs. "In four days more" he replied. She nods slowly "shall we sneak out tonight too?" She suggested. "Yeah I want to sneak out too, but I don't want to go to fair" he says. "Then where shall we go?" She asks confused. "There's a place here, I heard there's ghost over there. I wanna see ghost" his request made Jisoo gulp "g-ghost? Why seeing a ghost?" She has a little fear for ghost. "Because I like adventure, Queen!" Jun says closing his bag. "Okay! That's my gift for you before you leave" Jisoo sighs.

They sneaked out of the palace as like before. Taehyung was in his working chamber doing his paperworks. Jisoo and Jun arrived at the place, it was dark, abandoned house. "Is it necessary to see this place?" Jisoo looks around taking slow steps. Jun chuckles "are you a kid?" Jisoo pouts cutely "oh please! I'm not kid nor I'm afraid!" Jun controls his laugh"yeah sure sure!"

They were inside the abandoned house, slowly approaching the rooms one by one. They heard some noises making Jisoo scared. Suddenly there was a noise of bots, many people slowly coming in sight, Jisoo quickly helds Jun's hand protectively. Jun looks at her and looks back at the people infront. "Queen of Daegu, in an abandoned place with her adopted child. What a pleasant surprise!" The man spoke in a dangerous tone. Jisoo couldn't understand what should she do. "Let us go" Jisoo slowly says. That man chuckles, his man's chuckles following him. "Well, I don't get anything in return if I let you both leave, Queen" the man slowly approaches her, Jisoo's grip tightened up Jun's wrist with every steps he took. His hand raises to touch Jisoo, she moves her face before he could touch "King won't s4pare any of you if anything happens to Jun" Jisoo voices sternly without any fear. The man chuckles again "I heard you were beautiful, you truly is but there's one thing they said about you is wrong" he pauses eyes falling on Jun to back at Jisoo.

"You aren't not some petty scared kitten, you roars like a tigress. And I'm definitely impressed" he smiles devilishly, Jisoo gulps under his dark eyes. His hand slides up to touch Jisoo's hairs when He felt Jun's kick on his leg. He groans "Kids should remain as kid, don't get too ahead" Jun glares at him. The man was about to hold Jun's collar when Jisoo pushed him off "Don't you dare!" She warned pointing her finger at him. He walks back to her and about to hold her chin when a bullet goes through his palm. He groans in pain and eyes falls on the way the bullet came.

KING TAEHYUNG coming out from behind of bunch of people. His eyes cold as ice, hands behind his back. His steps coming towards his wife and kid. everyone around them fearing for their life. Jisoo felt relaxed and protected right now.

Taehyung's soldiers killed all of the people except the main man. "Reveal yourself before you die" Taehyung's right hand Yoongi asks. The man replied groaning in pain "I'm Jaekyun, sent by your enemy to kill your whole famil-" his sentence left incompleted because he was digged by swored right into his mouth.

Jisoo jumped in her place being terrified by the sight, her palms covering Jun's eyes too. His eyes moved to Jisoo slowly, the eyes speaks rage and rage only.


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