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Work was fine; the regulars came and went. We aren't a very busy cafe, but those that come, often do not only visit once. When I got home at 14:00 (2pm), I went straight to me bedroom, grabbed my towel, clean clothes, shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. I headed to the bathroom, tugging on my hair bobble, letting my hair run down over my shoulders. I turned on the shower and pulled the curtain over to prevent the water from splashing. I ran my hands through my hair a few times before removing my t-shirt, then my trousers, then my undergarments. I was not particularly fond of showers, but it was nice, after a long day I needed that.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. Millions of thoughts engulfed my conscience: Was it him? Was this my chance? My thoughts were broken up when there was a shout from outside, "It's me Carli! It's Sarahhhhh! Let me in please." A hint of disappointment spread through me, but I got up and unlocked the door.
"I didn't even realise the time!" I look down at the phone in my hand.
"Well, it is 15:00 (3pm), and I am here!"
"You are here, I can see."
"Well, if you can make us both a coffee, I brought cookie dough that we can roll out and bake; they only take 10 minutes in the oven!"
"That sounds awesome! Let's make the cookies and then I will make the coffee when they are in the oven!"
We rolled the dough out on the countertop and made many funky shapes using my butter knives. After around 5 minutes of giggling, cutting and rolling, we put the cookies in the oven and washed our hands.
"What coffee would you like?"
"Can you do me a vanilla mocha please?"
"Of course! I am just going to have a cappuccino."
"You do you girl."
I opened the cupboard and produced two mugs, I placed one under the coffee machine and clicked for a mocha. I turned around and reached on top of the fridge for my vanilla syrup, turned back around and as the machine was pouring the espresso, I pumped a small amount of vanilla into the cup. Once that was done, I placed my cup under the spout and clicked Cappuccino before I walked over to Sarah carefully, as to not spill her drink. She was sat on the sofa in my living room, by my coffee table, I placed her drink on the table and joked with her, "M'lady, your drink" to which she giggled but accepted gratefully. I then went back over to the machine, my drink was finished, so I took it over to the coffee table and placed it down. "How is it?"
"Really nice, thank you! Are those cookies done yet Carli?"
"Ooh! I don't know, let me check!" I headed back over to the oven and bent over to take a peek. "They are done!" I grab the oven glove from the counter and open the oven door. The hot air embraced my face as I reached my hand in to collect the tray. They smelled amazing.
Once they had cooled, I moved them to a plate and took them over to Sarah at the coffee table, "Look at these beauties!"
"Oh, my lord- they look so good right now!!!" She reached over and took one from the plate and took a bite. "They taste even better than they look! They are so smooth and chocolatey, soft and chewy, but not like rubber, perfect crunch on the outside! Wow!"
"Now I have to try one!" I picked one up and placed it near my mouth, allowing myself to take in the wonderful scent that they were emitting. I took a bite, and it was, like Sarah said, better than it looked. "This is the best cookie I have ever eaten! Where did you buy that dough?"
"The new corner shop 5 minutes away! I am going to have to go and buy like 10 more!!!"
"Yes! Me too! These are amazing!" I dipped the edge of where I had just bitten into my coffee and indulged in the delightful cookie again.
"So, it's 15:20 (3:20pm), you think we should call him?"
"Who?" I said in confusion, my thoughts taken over by what could be inside this cookie.
"Nathan! The guy whose phone you have?"
"Oh- yes! Yeah, maybe we should call him." My heartbeat accelerates with the thought of him, talking to him, hearing his voice.
Sarah shook me from my thoughts- "Get the phone! Get the phone!"
I picked the phone up from the side table hesitantly, this was the most frightening, adrenaline filled thing I had done in a while. I swiped on the screen and opened the contacts app, "What is my number?"
"You-" She looked at me in complete and utter shock, "You don't know your number?"
"No?" I said, hesitantly, "Am I supposed to?"
"Yes! Yes of course you are! Because what happens if you are in a situation like this and you can't find anyone that has your number?"
"Fair enough- I am happy and glad to have you though!"
"Enough with you being a suck up!"
She read my phone number out, digit by digit. I slowly typed it in and put my name in the contact's name section. I looked up at Sarah, as if giving up. "You scared?"
"A little-"
"About what?"
"He might blame me- say that this is all my fault."
"He won't."
"You don't know that!"
She stood up looked over my shoulder and pressed the phone button. It was ringing. My heart was pulsating with every second of silence after the tones.
The phone beeped.

[Call Declined]

I looked at Sarah, "Maybe he doesn't answer random numbers?"
"I will call your phone." She rolled her eyes and quickly typed in my number on the keypad of her phone and then held it out between us on loudspeaker. Ring. Ring. Ring.

[Call Declined]

"Why didn't he answer?"
"We will just have to wait and see if he calls back or try another time." Sarah tried to reassure me. 

Love Bytes: Swap, Snoop, SwoonWhere stories live. Discover now