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I pulled my red midi dress over my head and pulled my tights up. I was both excited and brimming with nerves, Daryn was a nice man, and handsome too, but what if this went wrong? Would I lose him as a customer? As a friend?

I looked in the mirror, checking that my mascara hadn't run and my lipstick was not smudged. I grabbed my black blazer and my small handbag. I quickly tossed my lipstick and a compact mirror into my bag as I heard the bell linked to my apartment ring. Daryn was there and waiting. I quickly grabbed my keys, slipped on my boots and rushed out of the door, locking it quickly behind me. As I hurried down the stairs, I almost tripped a couple times, but I knew Daryn was waiting. I finally got to the bottom, I stopped for a second to steady myself and my breathing before I headed to the door, where I could see Daryn. He looked incredibly handsome. He wore a black suit with a white shirt, red tie, grey waistcoat and red loafers. We were both wearing red and black, we looked like a couple. I opened the door, and Daryn turned to look at me, his eyes widening at first glance.
"Wow- you look amazing."
"Thank you, so do you, Daryn" My face flushed, I could not help but smile. He made me feel in such a way that, I felt happy, I felt wanted, I felt loved. That is what I wanted in a partner, looks don't matter, I just wanted someone who made me happy.
"Where are we headed?"
"I was thinking Gormet Grove, if that is, ok?"
"That sounds wonderful Daryn!"
He led me towards his Jaguar XF, it was a nice car, it was black with tinted back windows and a tree shaped air freshener hung on the rearview mirror. He guided me to the passenger seat, opening the door for me and ensuring that my dress would not get caught in the door when he closed it.
My heart was racing when we pulled into the carpark. He came around to my side and opened the door before I could even realise that he got out. He offered his hand out for me, helping me step out of the car, he then shut the door behind me, locking it before walking ahead of me and holding the restaurant door open for me. His chivalry was sweet, but it was a lot to deal with. I must have said thank you 12 times. He had good intentions, yet I felt like he was trying incredibly hard. I was worried- If this relationship went further, would he treat me like this for a couple months and then stop? Would he constantly bombard me with what he thought was kindness? I couldn't think too much into it, because as I stepped into Gormet Grove, my blood ran cold. My heart dropped.

I looked over into the corner of the restaurant, and there he was. Nathan. He was there. He was sat in the same restaurant that I was going on a date with another guy to. He didn't even know me, but I felt overwhelmed with guilt. I glance back over to the corner, this time, he looks back at me. I kept my composure as I wondered if he recognised me. If he was going to come and ask me for his phone. That would be awkward. I tried not to stare, or look back at him again, if he didn't recognise me, I didn't want to draw him over. I longed to look at him again, to see him run his hand though his dark hair, for him to look at me with those crystal blue eyes. I yearn for his attention, to hear his voice again.
I was shaken from my thoughts by Daryn. Shit- Daryn. I forgot that I had gone there with him, my mind was too drawn and concentrated on Nathan.
"Yes? Sorry- I lost myself then!"
"You, ok?"
"Yes! I'm doing good, do we have a table?"
"Yep, come on, the waitress is going to show us to our table."
I followed the waitress and Daryn to the front window of the restaurant, and I sat myself on the chair facing away from the direction that Nathan was placed.
I knew it was stupid, I should not be thinking about another man while I am out with Daryn. But- Nathan. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him since he bumped into me, and we swapped phones.
"Can I get you any drinks?"
"I will take a glass of red wine, please."
"Can I have a glass of rose?"
"Yes, of course, I will bring those out to you."
"Thank you" We both replied.
"So, do you enjoy working at Nectars Nook?"
"Uh- it's good. People are polite and it pays enough. Where do you work? I don't think you have ever actually told me?"
"Oh, I work from home for an animation studio, but I oversee finance and gaining the commissions."
"Sounds cool- and like a very high-intelligence level job."
"It's not too bad- I earn a good amount and it isn't too boring, it can be, but I enjoy it most of the time."
"That's good then"
Our conversation was broken up when the waitress placed our glasses on the table in between me and Daryn. We both reached for our glass, our fingertips gently brushed together, to which we both pulled our glasses toward ourselves and chuckled awkwardly.
I still couldn't tear my mind away from thoughts of Nathan. What should I do? I cannot spend the entirety of this date, thinking about another man, especially not when I know how closes he is.
The waitress is heading back to our tables, I know she is going to ask what we would like to eat, so I quickly glanced back down at the menu before making a rapid decision as she neared closer and closer to our table.
As she reached us, she startled me, despite my knowledge that she was headed toward us. "Hello, can I get you any food?"
"Could I get a regular pepperoni pizza please?"
"Of course, sir, and you?"
She glanced at me, expecting an answer. I hesitated for a second, "Would you like another couple minute?"
"Can I get a lasagne, please, sorry."
"No need to apologise! I will have those out to you soon."
"Thank you." That time only I thanked her, I looked up in surprise to see Daryn looking at me. His eyebrows scrunched together, his eyes glassy, "Are you ok, Carlise?"
"Yes, I am ok" I chuckled nervously- he noticed that something was off. I couldn't tell him; this would tear him up. But I knew I couldn't keep this from him.
"Actually- I would like to talk to you about something, but you must listen to what I have to say without interrupting me or jumping to conclusions. Ok?"
"O- Ok." His breath wobbling as he murmured his answer, looking deep into my eyes. 

Love Bytes: Swap, Snoop, SwoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant