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When I finally got home, after an exhausting night. Half a breakup, not being recognised, running after him only for me to bump into a stranger who now hates me for life despite not even knowing me, and then the excruciating hours walk I just had to do to get home. All of that- and I got home at 7, out of breath, tears barely stopping themselves from falling and my knees barely holding up. I rushed into my apartment, locking the door and heading to the bathroom. I removed my clothes before stepping into the shower.

I was lay, restless, on my bed, point blank staring at the ceiling in the dark. I sat up, running my hand through my hair before grasping at my bedside table to the hair bobble that dodged my hand a few times b. When I finally picked it up, I tied my hair into a low ponytail and glanced over at my digital clock on the windowsill.


It was nearly 3am and I hadn't slept. I couldn't get him out of my mind, the way he so calmly mentioned that we had swapped phones without realising who I was; why didn't I say anything? I have messed up- I should have said something, given him my address, he could have gone home, gotten the phone and come to my apartment, we chatted for a bit and then he was forced to stay, because the last bus was passing my house as we spoke, we talked all night, really getting to know each other. But no. That didn't happen. Was I ever going to get my phone back? No. I was never going to get it back, was I? And it was all my fault.

After eventually falling asleep, I was shocked awake at 7:00 by the phone, buzzing violently on the table. Who was calling at this time in the morning? I sluggishly got up and wandered over and peered onto the screen.

Sahrina work

Missed call

Oh. That's who. That made sense, he worked at a school. Was he late again? Was he up late thinking about me, like I was him? No, he couldn't be, he clearly didn't know who I was, he didn't have the faintest idea. He must be late, though, as she is calling him? My thoughts dissipated at the sound of the phone buzzing again.

Sahrina work

📞 ✖️

Had he not told her that he didn't have his phone? I decided to pick it up, see what was to come, what was going to happen. 

Love Bytes: Swap, Snoop, SwoonWhere stories live. Discover now