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Unknown number 16:00
Hi Nathan, its Carter, I g...

Carter? How did he get this number? I thought through the possibilities briefly before opening the chat.

Unknown Number

Hi Nathan, its Carter, I got
this number from the girl
who has your phone.

Oh? Hi, Carter. How are you? Did she explain what happened? Is she ok? Is she worried?

I'm good thanks, yeah, she
explained, and she seemed
fine in the messages.

Oh? That's strange. I have her phone, and she isn't worried?

Nah- she doesn't seem
worried. You free tonight?

Yeah, I guess? What time and place you thinking?

You want to go down to the
restaurant, down the street,
grab a nice meal?

Sure, why not. How does 5 o'clock sound?

Sounds good to me.
See you then!

I needed to get my mind from this phone for a bit, going out for a meal sounded nice, and Carter was such a good friend. I headed for a quick shower and got dressed. I put on a semi-formal outfit, black trousers, loose t-shirt and a grey overshirt. I placed the phone on my desk and left. As I stepped over the threshold, I questioned my actions. Should I take the phone with me? Just in case? No, what was the probability that we would both be in the same place, at the same time? Impossible. I shook myself from my thoughts, that's why I was going out. To get my mind off that damn phone.
Once again, I was walking through the bustling streets, this time, they were calm, and people were sparse. It was to be expected, not many people went out on a Monday evening at 4:30. My bus wasn't due for another 10 minutes, so this time, I could walk slowly, I could take in my surroundings. The streets in Everley were rather pulchritudinous, when they were calm, and the sun was shining. The sun peered over the rooves of the shops, reflecting off the windows on the other side of the road, blanketing the beds of lavender lining the shop fronts, it gave the street a pretty purple hue. The sky was clear, and bright blue, though it faded nicely to a periwinkle, through to a beautiful rose pink that followed behind the shops that blocked my view of the horizon. I had never walked through these streets before and been able to take in their true beauty. It was awe inspiring- seeing such wonderful things then, in the same street that was so chaotic and completely impractical earlier that same day. It felt- weird, unnatural, other-worldly, almost. It was strange, being able to see the hidden beauty of Pond Street, it changed the way I saw that town, there must have been many miracles, and hidden wonders that needed to be seen from another perspective to have truly been enjoyed to their full potential, I just hadn't found them yet.
And just like that, I found myself stood at the bus stop, the bus, just pulling up to let me on. I got on and sat down, I was headed to the town centre.
Finally, the bus turned the corner and pulled to a stop in the bus station. The couple of people on the bus, including me, stood up and departed. I headed toward the restaurant, Gormet Grove. Gormet Grove had been a popular restaurant in Everley for around 60 years, and I couldn't disagree, their food was incredible. Carter was waiting, he stood leaning against the front wall of the restaurant, though when I entered his eyeline he looked up from his phone and greeted me with a friendly smile, "Nathan! How are you man?"
"I'm doing good thanks, how are you?" We walked through the doorway, a wave of delightful scents flowing around us like a gentle summer breeze.
"I'm good thanks." He turned to the maître d', "Just a table for two please"
"Of course sir, this way please" She replied with a smile on her face as she led us to a two-seated table in the back corner.
"Thank you." we both declared in unison as the Maitre d' smiled once again and walked off. We sat down at either side of the square marble table, picking up a menu each and scanning the drinks menu before turning them over and contemplating each meal.
"Can I get you guys any drinks?" The waiter caught me by surprise, but Carter didn't seem at all startled. "I will have a glass of Sauvignon Blanc please." He looked at me as she noted down his choice of alcoholic beverage.
"I'll just have a flat white please." As the words leave my mouth, I can feel Carter rolling his eyes.
"Still not a drinker, hey?"
"Nope. I haven't touched a drop."
"You do what you want man, who am I to judge-" He is interrupted by the clinking of the glass being placed on the table in front of him. The waiter smiles, looking at me, "Your coffee will be just a moment, sir."
"No problem, thank you."
Moments later, the waiter returned, coffee in hand. Placing it down in front of me, he asked "Can I get you folks any food?"
"Can I get a Killer Burger please?"
"Yes, of course, and you sir?" He turned to look at me again.
"I would like the regular steak burger, with sweet potato fries please."
"Is brioche, ok?"
"Yes, that's fine. Thank you."
"Ok! Your food will be out to you soon."

As the waiter walked away toward the kitchen, I couldn't help but notice as a beautiful girl walked through the front doors. She was being led in by a nice-looking gentleman. She seemed familiar though, but I could not figure out why she seemed familiar. Before I could think any deeper into it, Carter questions me. "You know that girl?"
"Sure- dude. Sure."
"What? She seems familiar. I don't know why."
"Eh- if you know her, you will remember, or she will come over."
"No. No she won't. She is with someone."
"You jealous, Nath?"
"No!" I exclaimed, unaware of the amount of emotion I was displaying.
"Woah- are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm doing ok. Just had a stress filled day, and just want to be able to relax a little bit, you know?"
"Fair enough, man, sorry about that."
"No, don't worry, that is not your fault, I shouldn't have gotten that offended."
"Nah, bro- it's good. Anyway- you got a promotion yet?"
"Nope- nothing. What would I even get promoted to?"
"I don't know- but you have been head of the English department for like 3 years now. Are you not bored?"
"I think you forget. I enjoy teaching, and I have been writing a book on the side."
"Yeah- forgot you were a book nerd."
"I enjoy English, the literature is included."
He let out a nervous chuckle.

The waiter returned, saving us from an awkward silence, placing our meals in front of us. "Bon Appetite!" 

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