Chapter 1 | Meet & Greet

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With Lucy and Victoria

The buzz of excitement filled the air as Victoria and Lucy navigated through the bustling crowd at the meet and greet event. Surrounded by fellow fans and celebrities alike, they eagerly soaked in the atmosphere, relishing every moment of the experience.

Armed with their cameras and notebooks, Victoria and Lucy embarked on a mission to meet as many celebrities as possible. With each encounter, they snapped photos, collected autographs, and engaged in brief but memorable conversations with their idols.

As they weaved through the crowd, Victoria's phone buzzed with a notification, drawing her attention away from the celebrity sightings. With a curious glance, she unlocked her phone and discovered a new Instagram story from none other than Sam Golbach.

"Hey, Lucy, check this out!" Victoria exclaimed, tapping her friend on the shoulder to get her attention.

Lucy turned to her, a curious expression on her face. "What's up?"

"It's Sam Golbach," Victoria replied, excitement evident in her voice. "He just posted something on his Instagram story. We have to see what it is!"

Lucy's eyes widened with interest as Victoria showed her the story. Together, they watched as Sam's familiar face appeared on the screen, his message eliciting smiles from both girls.

"He's so cute," Lucy remarked with a grin. "We have to go meet him!"

With renewed enthusiasm, Victoria and Lucy quickly scanned the area, their eyes landing on the short line forming at Sam and Colby's booth. Without hesitation, they made a beeline for the queue, eager to finally meet the object of their admiration.

As they waited in line, anticipation bubbled within them, mingling with the excitement of the day's unexpected turn of events. With each passing minute, their excitement grew, fueled by the prospect of meeting Sam and Colby in person.

Finally, it was their turn to step forward, and as they approached Sam and Colby, Victoria felt her heart race with nervous energy. But as Sam flashed them a warm smile and greeted them with genuine kindness, all her apprehensions melted away, replaced by a sense of joy and gratitude.

For Victoria and Lucy, this meet and greet wasn't just about collecting autographs or taking photos—it was about making meaningful connections with the people who had inspired them and brought them together. And as they exchanged words with Sam and Colby, they knew that this day would be one they would never forget.


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From a Fan to a Flame | Sam Golbach X OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin