Chapter 5 | Messages in the Twilight

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With Sam and Colby

Sam's heart skipped a beat as his phone buzzed with a notification, signaling a message from Victoria. With eager anticipation, he unlocked his phone, his pulse quickening as he read her words.

"Thanks for asking! I had a great day and I am really happy that I got to meet you and Colby for the first time! How was yours?" Victoria's message read, a warmth spreading through Sam's chest at her kind words.

Beside him, Colby glanced over, a grin spreading across his face as he caught a glimpse of the message. "She seems nice," he commented, nudging Sam playfully.

Sam nodded in agreement, his fingers already typing out a response. "I'm glad that you had a great day! My day was great and meeting you made my day even better!" he replied, his heart racing with excitement.

Colby nodded in approval, a knowing twinkle in his eye. "Smooth move, Sam," he teased, clapping his friend on the back.

As they waited for a response from Victoria, Sam felt a surge of anticipation coursing through him. However, just as quickly as the message had come, Victoria disappeared offline, leaving Sam to wonder what her reply might be.

Shrugging off his disappointment, Sam turned off his phone and turned his attention back to Colby, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they laughed and shared stories late into the night.

In that moment, as the room filled with the warmth of their friendship, Sam couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected connection he had found with Victoria, even if it was just through a simple exchange of messages. And as they talked long into the twilight hours, he knew that whatever the future held, he would face it with a smile, guided by the echoes of their budding friendship.


How will Victoria react on Sam his text? Or will Victoria ignore Sam?

From a Fan to a Flame | Sam Golbach X OCWhere stories live. Discover now