Chapter 23 | The Investigation

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Sam and Colby meticulously arranged trigger objects around the room, each item carefully selected to evoke a response from any spiritual presence that might linger within. Amanda, with a solemn expression, blindfolded Victoria, preparing her for the intense sensory deprivation of the Estes method.

As Amanda secured the noise-canceling headphones over Victoria's ears, a sudden chime echoed through the room, signaling the activation of the music box. Victoria flinched slightly at the unexpected sound, her heart racing with nervous anticipation.

"It's just calibrating a little," Colby reassured her, his voice a soothing presence amidst the tension that hung in the air.

With a quiet prayer, Amanda centered herself, invoking a sense of protection and guidance for their endeavor. Then, with a nod from Amanda, Sam initiated the questioning, his voice calm yet filled with purpose.

"Is anybody here with us in this room right now?" Sam inquired, his words hanging in the air as they waited for Victoria's response.

Through the noise-canceling headphones, Victoria's voice emerged, faint yet distinct. "Hey," she whispered, her words carrying a weight of solemnity.

"Love me," Victoria's voice continued, the words echoing with a sense of longing and yearning.

"Yes, we came to respect you," Sam responded, his tone gentle and reassuring. "We just want to have a conversation."

"Fountain," Victoria spoke again, her voice carrying a cryptic message.

Colby's brow furrowed in contemplation. "There is a fountain downstairs," he remarked, his mind racing to make sense of the message.

"Back and forth," Victoria's voice returned, her words cryptic yet laden with meaning.

"This is what I wrote, ran," Amanda interjected, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Ran back and forth," Sam echoed, piecing together the fragmented messages with growing anticipation.

"Where was it?" Victoria's voice trailed off, leaving a lingering sense of mystery and intrigue in its wake.

In the dimly lit room, surrounded by the enigmatic messages from the spirit world, Sam, Colby, Amanda, and Victoria delved deeper into their investigation, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the walls of Kate Morgan's room.


The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft rustle of paper as Amanda continued to jot down notes in her notebook. Each member of the group held their breath, waiting for Victoria's next response, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

"Are you still here? Do you still want to talk to us?" Sam's voice cut through the quiet, his tone a mixture of urgency and concern.

Victoria's words, when they came, were like a whisper in the darkness, haunting and enigmatic. "Together... me," she murmured, her voice barely audible through the noise-canceling headphones.

Amanda furrowed her brow, trying to decipher the meaning behind Victoria's cryptic message. "You want us to be here together with you?" she repeated, seeking clarification.

"Four of you, right?" Victoria's words hung in the air, a tantalizing puzzle waiting to be solved.

"Holy fuck," Sam breathed, the weight of Victoria's revelation settling heavily upon them all. It was a chilling reminder of the unseen forces at play, of the mysteries that lay hidden within the walls of the hotel.

"Yes, we're together with you," Colby affirmed, his voice tinged with determination. "But there are four of us in our group."

"Do you like that we're here with you?" Sam pressed, his gaze searching the room for any sign of a response.

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