Chapter 19 | Calling it a Night

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After a long day of filming, Sam and Colby finally wrapped up their informational segment for the video. Amanda and Victoria sat attentively, listening to every detail the duo shared about the hotel's history and its reported hauntings.

"We've got some solid footage for the video," Sam remarked, stretching his arms as he glanced at his watch. "It's getting late, though. We should probably call it a night."

"Agreed," Colby chimed in, rubbing his eyes. "We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

With that, the group dispersed to their respective rooms. Sam and Colby bid goodnight to Amanda and Victoria, heading off to their own room to prepare for bed.

As they settled into their room, Sam and Colby couldn't shake off the excitement coursing through them. The prospect of investigating the hotel's mysteries was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

"We've got a lot to cover tomorrow," Sam said, unpacking their equipment and organizing it for the investigation.

Colby nodded, adjusting the settings on their cameras. "Yeah, but I've got a feeling it's going to be worth it. This place has some serious history."

Meanwhile, in their own room, Amanda and Victoria were getting ready for bed as well. Despite the anticipation of the investigation, a sense of apprehension lingered in the air.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Victoria murmured, glancing around the dimly lit room.

Amanda nodded, pulling the covers over her. "It's going to be intense, but we've got each other's backs."

With that, they settled into bed, the excitement and anticipation of the investigation filling their thoughts as they drifted off to sleep. Little did they know, the night ahead held more mysteries and surprises than they could have ever imagined.

From a Fan to a Flame | Sam Golbach X OCWhere stories live. Discover now