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A couple days pass as we are to head out to some sort of training facility. As we sit down on the bus, Mina passes me some sort of snack.

"Apparently there are quite a few locals with cannibal based quirks. I found a market that sells snacks that are for said diet. Thought it was the least I could do. Especially since a little birdie told me you either get blood from certain places, or human meat from when people die naturally. Other people sell things so if you want to buy food now you can! " she says as I smile under my mask.

"I really appreciate it Ashido" I say simply.

"Please. Mina is fine" she reassures as we arrive at the facility.

Once we arrive we got to meet a pro named Thirteen. I can not for the love of God tell you their gender.

We were about to save fake people until a huge portal opens in front of us. A ton of villains walk out as Thirteen shouts for us.

They split us up in groups as Izuku, Mineta, Froppy, and I were positioned near the water.

"Okay. I'm going to target Shigaraki" I state.

"I'm sorry who?" Izuku asks as I smirk.

I point at the villain with all the hands.

"I'll take him down. I got a plan. I wanna freak him out" I say as Froppy's eyes widen.

"Listen. I know your quirk has the ability for that, but I would feel terrible if my fellow peer got hurt like that" she says as she motions for us to get into the water.

"Don't worry about me. I got this under control. Work on targetting Himiko Toga. She's near the back. Don't let her cut you" I warn as I walk forward.

I stand directly in front of the shaggy haired man as he chuckles darkly.

"This will be too easy- hey wait! All my fingers are on you and yet you aren't decaying? " he questions as he pulls his hand back.

"My deepest apologies" I say as I remove my mask.


"I didn't walk up to your for a fight. You have something I want"

"And what is that? My dick or something? "

"No you sicko. I'd rather eat you alive than eat your dick. Dead looking males like you tend to be so tasty. But, when all said and done our world would be less boring" I say as I remove the hand that's covering his face.

"Well I don't know what girls want from me these days... Hey that's mine- Dabi get over here. Help me get this back" he says as Dabi just shakes his head no.

I place the hand onto my face and wave bye to the villain.

And once I make it back to the others, that's when a huge explosion was heard.

Bakugou was blasting a villain from his spot.

And there goes Shoto with his ice.

People really do be fighting.

It was a long battle. All Might eventually helped us finish it and soon enough we were on the bus back to the school.

"Nice accessory. I take it that's the object you wanted? " Kirishima asks as I nod.

"I always wanted something from a villain. Just to show that I have the ability to get close enough to one. He thought I wanted something sexual from him. Nasty pervert" I exclaim as Kirishima points at Mineta.

"And he doesn't think that? " he asks as I shake my head no.

"Mineta is pervy but he doesn't deserve to be known as a pervert. He likes things most teen males do. So chill" I say as he rolls his eyes.

"Yea let's go with that. Anyways that was cool how you went up to him like that" Denki adds in as Kirishima agrees with the last part.

"I have my own things to prove. For now this is just how it is. People think I'll be a villain. I want the opposite however. I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say as I get off the bus and head home.

The Phantom Thief And The Cannibal (Monoma x fem! reader) Where stories live. Discover now