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"Got one" I say as my fan boomerangs back into my hand. I watch my invisible classmate freak out almost immediately as Monoma starts mocking Bakugou. Bakugou comes after us as Monoma taps his arm.

He then shoots a blast at Bakugou and then smiles with his mouth open. It was honestly quite attractive. Great. Now I'm seeing him differently since I know he likes me more than a friend.

I look up at the heroes as I notice Loki in the back. I don't want to reveal anything yet.

Monoma twirls around Bakugou's headband.

"This is easy" he says with a grin on his face.

"I think I know how to score us second place. Monoma, I'll get you at the very least to the next part. You and I are going to get recruited by the same man. I'm almost completely positive. There is an old hero watching from above. He's here to find me" I explain as Monoma looks down at me.

"Really? I think that's cool. Okay what's the plan then? " he asks.

And within seconds we have an abundance of headbands. And Todoroki has the others. Everyone else has about one.

We end up scoring second place. Just like I said. And I have yet to reveal myself.

Until the start of the one on one matches, there are activities anyone can participate in. Monoma and I are paired to fight each other. And I know he will lose. Somewhat. But I'll warn him of the power. Or at least try.

I will not watch his body decay in front of me.

Monoma go to an empty room and sit down.

"Now as I said. My mouth is a huge issue. I also never had taken on a lover before. Not like anyone has liked me. Say, why do you like me?" I ask as he leans back in his chair.

"I didn't think I would have to explain. One, you are extremely pretty, even if you think you aren't. Two, you care about those who care for you. Your motives make total sense and you are making a quirk seemed as villainous for the greater good. Three, you are extremely unique. Actually I never liked a girl as much as I like you. And I don't expect you to like me back. I'm totally okay with that" he explains as I feel my body freeze up. Then my face flushes deep red as I run my hands over my fans. When I get flustered or I feel emotions I don't normally feel, I tend to reach for something I'm used to having to give me a sense of comfort. Not for the sake of wanting to use them.

"I... I wouldn't say that I don't return those feelings. I'm not used to this. This stuff is all new to me. So if you were to ask me out right now I will more than likely refuse. Just because I know nothing about this stuff" I explain in return.

He looks at me and smiles a little.

"Yea I understand. It's not like I was planning to do anything like that quite yet anyways. Let's just see how this battle goes first. I'm tempted to beat ya. And oh wait it's time for our battle. Shit" he says as he quickly stands up.

We walk together back to the arena as our fight starts.

I do my best to avoid his touch. I can't risk him decaying.

And yet he does. He grazes my arm. And he's going to regret that wide smile in a second. Because it may kill him. And I would be to blame.

The Phantom Thief And The Cannibal (Monoma x fem! reader) Where stories live. Discover now