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Kickin was frowning and seemed upset, pointing at Hoppy as she held the ball and pouted. "Alice! Hoppy isn't playing fair!" he exclaimed. Hoppy, on the other hand, was impatient and denied any wrongdoing. Alice, who had been watching the whole time, couldn't help but giggle at their playful argument. 

However, she knew she had to step in and diffuse the situation.
Alice knelt and took the ball out of Hoppy's hands before standing up and addressing them both. "Now, now, let's not fight," she said, putting on a gentle smile. "We make up, don't we?" Hoppy and Kickin exchanged a glance, and then both looked down, ashamed of their behaviour. 

"Sorry, Kickin..." Hoppy muttered. Kickin also looked down and rubbed his forearm before saying, "...Sorry."

Alice's smile grew a bit wider as she saw that they had made up. She was happy to have been able to help them resolve their conflict.



Alice was walking down the street holding hands with Kickin and Hoppy. Kickin was walking with a proud face, and Hoppy was kicking her legs each time. Alice found it amusing and chuckled before stopping in front of a pastry shop. "I'll get us some pastry, all right?" Alice said, looking over at her friends. Both Hoppy and Kickin nodded eagerly. "I want the Pudding!" Hoppy exclaimed, smirking at Kickin who frowned in response. "Not fair!" Kickin protested. Hoppy rolled her eyes, and Alice sighed. "I'll just get you a shortcake," Alice said before walking into the shop.

As she walked in, Hoppy sighed and tapped her foot, and Kickin started to daydream a bit. Suddenly, two teenagers approached the duo. "Hey! What are you doing here?" the first one said in a cocky tone. Hoppy frowned, and Kickin looked over. Hoppy stepped a little towards Kickin and asked, "What? Is this your spot?" with narrowed eyes. The second person then shoved Hoppy away, causing her to get mad. "Yeah! Now, leave, loser!" Hoppy moved forward. "No! Not without our friend, Alice!" she spat. The two people looked at each other before laughing. "And who is this Alice?"

Kickin stepped up and said, "The mistress and heiress of Yotsuba Enterprises!" The two people then started to laugh, thinking it was a lie. "Wow! Such a good lie!" Kickin was about to speak, but he noticed Hoppy's hands clutching and opening. "..We're not lying," Hoppy said, annoyed. The first person leaned down and said, "Yeah, sure..."

It was about to continue when Alice stepped out of the store with three bags, her eyes darkening. The two people stopped and looked up, freezing. Alice's anger was welling up inside her. "Leave them alone, you hear me!" Alice said, stepping forward and in front of Hoppy and Kickin. The two people backed up, gulping before bowing. "We're sorry!" they said in unison. "LEAVE NOW!" Alice yelled, her anger consuming her body. The two people nodded before running off.

Hoppy and Kickin gasped silently before Alice turned to them, her anger fading as she knelt to the duo. "Are you okay?" Kickin nodded before Alice smiled calmly, handing them their pastries. "I got them, don't worry. It was for free." Hoppy took her first bite and munched on it happily, with a twinkle in her eyes, and Kickin blew before eating his. Alice smiled, relieved that her friends were safe.

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