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(This Takes Place after They Get The Love Heart Arrow)

It's been a week since Mana, Rikka, Alice and Makoto came here. Alice was appreciating her time playing with Hoppy and Kickin. Her dress had been lifted a bit by the lace and rubber waistband, but she didn't seem to mind. Meanwhile, Mana was chatting with DogDay when she suddenly realized that Catnap was nowhere to be seen.

"Say..Where's Catnap" She asked DogDay, who simply shrugged and said "Catnap usually under a tree...." Mana's eyes scanned the area and finally stopped at an oak tree. "I might believe I found him," she said before making her way towards the tree.

Rikka called out to her, her eyes narrowing in concern. "Mana, what are you doing?" she asked. But Mana was determined to get Catnap down, who wasn't interested in socializing with the others. She climbed up the tree with a proud smile on her face.

As Mana got closer to the top, she noticed that Catnap wasn't there. Instead, there was a glowing mirror piece. Mana's eyes sparkled with wonder as she reached out to grab it, It had a aura to it. She clutched it tightly before slowly making her way back down the tree. She hopped down and waved it off, shouting to the others.

"Hey, I found this!" Makoto's eyes widened as she recognized what it was. "Mana, don't-" she started to say, but it was too late. The mirror piece shone with a bright white light, causing Mana to flinch. Suddenly, she felt herself falling uncontrollably.


The four girls and the seven critters all fell through a rainbow-coloured vortex before a bright white light enveloped them. Mana let go of DogDay as she tried to reach for him, but she fell into the light. "DogDay!" She felt a single tear from him on her hand.

Makoto fell onto the ground and her eyes slowly fluttered open. She found herself standing in front of her school, Oogai First Middle School. She looked around in confusion before feeling a sharp pain in her head. She groaned before seeing that Catnap had hit her.

But something was off. He was wearing an oversized sweatshirt that went down to his thighs, shorts, and moon socks. Makoto gasped when she realized that she was wearing her school uniform. "....EH!?" she clamoured in disbelief.



Makoto was walking with her bag, aka Hiding Catnap in it and was talking to her quietly with a tired tone "...Mak...Do I have to stay here?" He whined, poking his head out of the bag a little, Makoto nodded before noticing a trail of students, she panicked and nudged Catnap's head back into the bag.

Makoto didn't want people questioning her while she walked. She was pretty sure someone would freak out. Makoto continued walking but her being famous she was always stopped by one of her fans. Makoto resumed her walk until she was Mana, racing down the hallway in a panic.

Mana bumped into Makoto as they slipped back, Mana groaned as she sat up. Gasping silently "Makoto!" She helped her up, Makoto got up a bit ruffled before she noticed Dogday's head sticking out of Mana's hair, causing her to get alarmed "EH!?" she covered her mouth, seeing the other students look over disorganized. Mana and Makoto sweatdropped.

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