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((A/N: to make it quick, DogDay has Heart's Outfit with sun clips on the ends of ears, Catnap has Sword's outfit with a Moon charm with one wing, Crafty & Bubba have Diamond outfit expect different styles, Hoppy and Kickin have Rosetta outfit but different styles and Lasty Bobby has Ace's outfit. ))

"Resonate!!" Heart and DogDay twirled, Diamond, Crafty and Bubba spun Then Rosetta, Kickin and Hoppy jumped, Ace, Bobby & Picky flew while jumping then Sword and Catnap both Jumped before Heart and DogDay landed beside each other "The beat of love! Doki Doki! Pretty Cure!" They all Pose as it ends

DogDay huffed at his new outfit, his eyes sparkling with joy "Woah! this is so radical!" Kickin said, kicking his fist in the air.

"I guess we're Magical?" Crafty asked, playing with the Rainbow headband on her head. Picky tail twitched "No joke!"

Bubba titled his glasses "I feel like a fever dream right now..." He spat quietly, staring at his boots.



CatNap looked at his hands "...CatNap?" DogDay questioned before CatNap peeked up at one of the Jikochuu, Regina stood up "Don't just stare GET THEM-" She screeched angrily, her face loaded with unheated anger.

The Jikochuu being a Necklace roared as it launched beads at was pounded by Sword who wasn't pleased "Don't you dare Harm them!"

CatNap then leaped up with Sword before striking that one back, "Jikochuu!" It roared as it hit the wall, Sword grinned "Alright then!" DogDay blinked before he hurried and vaulted in too.

He went after the One in the shape of a Potion, this time hitting it back with a Baton he somehow summon, it went flying as it hit the wall.

Heart smiled before Hoppy and Kickin jogged in, Rosetta then leaped over Heart following the Duo before they started to attack.

Hoppy went after a Soccer ball Jikochuu "This is so cool!" Hoppy snickered as she flipped it over, The Smile on her face grinning wide.

Kickin then hit one back "I so agree!" Kickin then beat the Jikochuu in the stomach before in the head, It yelped as it got whacked into the Other one.

The Jellyfish one squirmed at the Two, Hoppy jumped back but got hit as she yelped. Rosetta leaped forward "Try again mister!" She summoned her Love Heart Arrow and jumped into action.

She touched four different coloured hearts, causing the top heart to emit a bright yellow glow. She then pushed the arrow forward and made a circle, creating a yellow clover used as a protective shield.

The Jellyfish leaned it, smacking it with its oral arms, Rosetta groaned before pushing it back. "Thanks" Rosetta only smiled.

Diamond and Heart charged in with Bubba and Crafty, Ace went for Regina again as she launched at her. Diamond kicked the Doll Jikochuu in the face. Crafty leaped up "Take this!"

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