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"Today will be good, I promise!" Mana said single-mindedly, awakening herself with a stretch as she got out of her bed. DogDay was already up. Playing with his ears to entertain himself. Mana fluttered before she sweatdropped.

"...DogDay...That's not what I meant" Mana said, her eyes glinting back at forth seeing the Doggo look up at her with a gleaming smile "What?" Mana sighed, as she stumbled on her bed, striking her head.

DogDay giggled, and Mana sighed. Brushing the dirt off her clothing before she happily caught DogDay and started to whirl him around. Sharuru was monitoring "...Mana take it easy Sharu~" Mana stopped before going pale white.

"...Okay Okay Fine~" Mana let DogDay down who was sitting on her bed excitedly, clutching the pillow "Heh!" Mana smiled softly before Sharuru bonked her on the head.

"Hey, it's Saturday give me a break!" Mana pouted with a look. Sharuru sighed turning onto a Lovely Commuce and relaxing on Mana's waist "That's what I thought." Mana said with a cheerful tone.

"I'm hungry..." DogDay said, squeezing his now-hungry stomach, Mana reached out her hand "Then come! we'll get nutrition down the street!" DogDay's smile returned as he grabbed Mana's hand.



"Bye Mom!" Mana had just said goodbye to her mother and stepped out of her house, relishing the cool breeze that greeted her. She shut the door behind her and looked around, taking in the familiar sights of her neighbourhood. As she walked down the stairs, she waved to a neighbour, feeling glad to be starting her day.

Mana was carrying her bag with DogDay peeking his head out of it. As she ran down the street, she felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. She walked briskly, enjoying the fresh air and the feeling of freedom that came with it.

As she was walking, "I want to have magic like you..." DogDay Intrigued, Mana turned to Him and asked him, "Why's that?" She was holding the last piece of her sushi and was chewing on it while waiting for his answer.

"BECAUSE-" DogDay exclaimed before Mana covered his mouth and shoved his head in the bag. She sweat-dropped, feeling a little embarrassed as some passers-by looked at them curiously. Mana then continued to walk down the hallway alone, feeling a little self-conscious about the incident.

Mana was walking down the hallway feeling at her piece, before walking into an empty classroom only to realize, that Crafty and Bubba along with Hoppy & Kickin were there with Rikka and Makoto were there.

Rikka had a disappointed look while Makoto had a death stare.

Mana blinked repeatedly before Rikka spoke up "Mana just put DogDay down..." Mana listened and let DogDay on the table, he sat with his crew before speaking to Catnap "...Psst..what happened?" Catnap's ears twitched before he grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote on it, Showing it to DogDay.

'Hoppy and Kickin were throwing books and made a mess along with Bubba and Crafty' DogDay's ears went down due to shock and fear, and Catnap hid the paper. he turned to a now Disappotient Mana. "...uh oh..."

(Eyecatch 3: CatNap was sleeping before Cure Sword leaned down and frightened him, causing him to glance up with a pouting face as he looked away, Cure Rosetta appeared behind Sword as she laughed, and the Iogo appeared)

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