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Rikka titled her glasses, Sighing as she observed from her bedroom window, seeing the big blue sky in the air, her eyes twinkling. Crafty was sleeping on her bed, clutching a side pillow. when "Rikka!" Rikka's heart thumped as she instantly stood up before secreting Crafty under the cover as her mother walked in.

"Yes M-Mother?" Rikka stammered, gripping his hands behind her back. Her Mother tilted her head before persisting "...Um...Breakfast is ready darling..." Rikka smiled softly "Thanks! I'll be down in a minute!" Her Mother raised a brow before exiting her room.

Rikka soughed as she looked down at Crafty before gently vibrating her awake "Crafty.." Rikka said Crafty eyes quavered open as she narrowed her eyes, taking in the sunlight before she looked over to see a smiling Rikka

"..After Breakfast you're coming with me okay?" Rikka said, assisting Crafty to sit up, Crafty blinked before looking away shyly before nodding, feeling her cheeks warm up a bit.

Rikka laughed softly as she went downstairs to go for Breakfast.



"EH!?" Alice was shocked to see Aguri at her show, Alice's mouth opened "Aguri?!" Aguri smiled calmly before nodding Hoppy and Kickin hid Behind Alice, not trusting her. Aguri narrowed her eyes "I see you have a Critter.." Aguri narrowed her eyes further, holding Bobby close. Hoppy and Kickin looked at each other.

Bobby was half asleep, her breath being slow as ice being melted. Aguri looked down at Bobby, her mouth shifting into a smile. Hoppy eyes softened seeing Bobby asleep, Kickin still had issues.

Alice felt a bit embarrassed before she could even speak a word, Aguri spoke up "Do you want to walk to class together?" Aguri asked, Alice snapped out of her thoughts before smiling "Sure!" Aguri's stern face sightly softened before she started to walk down the hall, Alice followed behind her.


"Blah Blah Blah" Rikka's Math Teacher, Mrs. Risi was talking about logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. Rikka was taking notes, Crafty, inside of her bag was silently sketching with a grim smile. Mana was having a problem following along, panicking on the inside.

DogDay, who was in Mana's back peaked his head out. His curious eyes look around and see the students. His eyes twinkled curiously as he looked up at Mana. Mana noticed and panicked, forcing his head back in. "DogDay!"

Half of the students looked towards Mana in confusion, Rikka looked towards Mana with a worried face (that face when Mana wanted to sing a lullaby). Crafty's head popped out slightly, her eyes looking over.

Mana wanted to drown in embarrassment, She covered her face. Feeling it go ready, Rikka sighed still eyeing her best friend. Before she turned back to her Notes while also making sure Crafty or Raquel didn't come out at all.

"...Can we talk later?" Mana requested softly, her eyes diverting towards Rikka who gave her a look, but she bobbed. Mana smiled a little as she turned her engagement back to her work.

(Eyecatch 3: CatNap was sleeping before Cure Sword leaned down and frightened him, causing him to glance up with a pouting face as he looked away, Cure Rosetta appeared behind Sword as she laughed, and the Iogo appeared)

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