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A DARK room shining with red light nothing but a play room where a man sitting on cauch man spreading legs with a women between. The aura is filled with the lust.

"Ahhh you too? NOW KNEEL"

He ordered one of his other pet who is just barged inside. Sadism is all over the room the man is nothing but narcissistic himself.

But little did he know there are bigger sharks in this world bigger than him they can swallow him within seconds without any regret.

The door is on the floor, with the speed of light a man standing at the entrance palms buried in his pockets, eyes are piecing through the soul of a man who was lost in his pleasure few seconds ago. Fear rushed through his veins.

"I I I I'm I'm your are here At At least you should have have informed me"

He hurried himself buttoning his pant and shirts buttons a man who had power influenced in a room as door is opened he lost his power.

"Seems like you are busy"

He said as he entered inside eyeing the floor, interiors, lights but not naked women's.

"I was just you know beta men's do have desires"

Trying to get comfortable infront of a man who is himself a definition of dark world,
With the fraction of seconds he got pinned on the wall with hanging legs being choked by a man whom he just refered as beta.


He is breathless his legs are wiggling, trying his best to find the floor.
He smirked at his state let him go his smirk grew wider looking at him taking breaths like his life is dependend on it.

"How's the effect Mr Roy"

Here he didn't asked about the effect just cause after his choking but the other one.

"It's been week but RATHORES are dieing for antinode"

He hummed this is what he wanted exactly, it has been one week since Meera got paralysed her legs nothing is improved in her condition.

"Hmm I see"

Rohit had curious eyes.

"Why didn't you give her the real one why this dummy--- drug?"

He Shivered the movement when cold eyes met him he marched towards him.

"You want to KILL HER HAA?"

"Im sorry I'm sorry i didn't meant that I'm sorry"

He backed away as the dominant man approached him.

"The effect will last for one more week before that I want her here infront of my eyes am I clear?"

He said with his raspy voice.

"Yes yes I'll make sure -"

"Yes what?"

"Yes boss"


-ON THE other hand Meera was struggling first she not at all able to concerntrate of her study and classes which she is taking online and second with something else may be about Vidyuth's behaviour, she is been watching him taking care of her like child which is something totally opposite to the man who is king of Rathore empire.

Things started change between them Vidyuth is been very protective of Meera he is been scared, scared to loose her will be an understatement.

Meera is the girl he never thought to encounter with, he never thought someone like Meera will enter in his life, he never thought he will feel those emotions he never felt before, he was confused but after the incident took place in Manali changed his perspective completely.

He saw someone getting hold of his wife he would have almost lost if he didn't saw them, he would have lost her, at the same time he thought about mafia world too he knew they don't respect women for them women's are toys a pleasuring toys, only having thought someone touching her without her consent made him loose his sanity.

It's not like he didn't realised his mistakes he did, but will he think about her? Will he let her go if she wants? A man should be selfless to let go the girl he is been feeling many things for,but man like Vidyuth Rathore they would rather caze the girl they love.

If loosing someone can make person realise his feelings then yes Vidyuth Rathore aware of his feelings, now the  thing will he accept his feelings towards her if even if he accepts will, but will she accepts her feelings.

Whether she know or not Meera have many Damons running behind her. One of them is her own insecurities no one can run from their insecurities.

"Have these"

Vidyuth placed tray infront of her taking it from maid, he is been taking care of her, specially her diet he is making sure she have only those food which suggestes by doctors.

"When will I get my legs back?"

She  asked him why not obviously anyone get scared if they get paralysed for a week.

"It will take one more week"

He said her directly without blinking.

"Do you want me to have this food?"

He knew the moment she asked she wants something else from him.


He hummed.

"Then we need to have talk after dinner"

Vidyuth hummed and waited till she finish her dinner, once she completed everything in plate he placed them of the table and informed maid to take them back they both silent no one is uttering a word, once maid left she faced him.

"Sir here"

She indicated edge of the bed he placed his phone on the table and sat infront of her.

"Do you have feelings for me Vidyuth?"

Whatever she asked she is clear about what she wants to hear from him but she got no reply but silence and blank yet slightly shocked eyes.

"Let me change the question are you attracted towards me.       Sexually?"

She took pause to say the word his eyes snapped at her anger is visible in his orbs.

"Meera don't "

He warned her with only two words.

"I want divorce Vidyuth accept it or not I'm I'm not happy this ugh this marriage"

She struggled to say those words cause she clearly afraid of falling for him, without answering her he got up from bed.

"Vidyuth don't leave in the middle of conversation I'm getting sick I'm tired I'm tired as hell this is not what I want Vidyuth this is not my life being with you means giving up on my World giving up on every dreams and goals it's seriously a torture for me"

He stopped in the middle staring right in to her soul her eyes are wet tears are like rain drops she is crying infront of him. She wants to go away from him but what about her heart which is falling for him, even after knowing he will caze her forever, even after knowing he is not the one for her, she knows if she fall for him there will be no go back.

He had no words, he don't know what to say her, how to Console her, he can't give what she is asking form him, he is becoming vulnerable he can't let her go, how will he explain her the storm of emotions in his heart, how he will explain what she actually mean for him, how will explain he can never let her go.

Love is never ending emotions but little did he know his denyal of his feelings make cause him loose her there is a famous saying we can never realise someone worth untill we loose them.


Im getting no time to update I'm sorry this is getting alot of time.


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