Chapter 13

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"No, really. I was really worried! I thought of sending you food with some, I don't know. Pigeons? In case they didn't feed you at all."

Robin had sent Sebastian to bring me some last-minute supplies for the coop she had forgotten to give me the other day. I had to mark the area that I wanted the coop to be placed in with some of her special sticks.

"How horrible do you think my mom is??" The thought got a genuine laugh out of him that I hadn't heard before. Its echo had a curious little sidetone. Like how you'd imagine stars would sound if they could experience joy.

And maybe they did.

"I was preparing for the worst." I shifted my position a little and scooped the rest of the melon slices into the straw basket.

"And I heard they don't let you leave the room, which is-"

I was going to say "-kinda sad", but that would've just insulted his space. I didn't want to draw any conclusions since I had never actually seen it. It could have been really nice-

"Kinda sad." Sebastian smirked. "I wasn't actually locked in there. Mom just didn't want me to go outside, and the stairs were a piece of work with the leg. I just told Sam that, so he'd have to pity me."

"Hmm. Okay, then." I hummed, picking the straw basket up. The pain had lessened with time, but it did poke its ugly head every now and then if I accidentally made any sudden movements.

Outside I let Koda run free. He had grown to absolutely despise his collar and preferred to roam the world freely. By the porch I turned to gaze at Sebastian, who had stopped to wait for me while already Koda ran in circles towards the ports. "Are you sure about the hoodie?"

The only difference between his "spring look" and "summer look" was the rolled-up sleeves. Under it they revealed more of his pale cold skin. Sebastian really should be dragged out of his room more often.

Although, I hadn't yet gotten used to the cane he now walked with and couldn't really trust it. His walk seemed a bit one sided and I didn't think my heart could take a much longer walk than the one to the beach.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine" He grinned and didn't seem to mind at all the inevitable heat stroke. His expression changed and he stuck his cane right in front of my legs. "Watch out!"

I looked down and-

"KODA! Shoo!!"

The beast had a whole slice of melon deep down in its throat before I could manage to shoo it away. He didn't take it to heart though, on the contrary, it seemed to be rather proud of itself. It even dared to come lick its lips right to my face.

Once we passed through the town Koda left running. He already knew the way and couldn't bother to wait for us.

At the beach Robin came straight to collect Sebastian to her care. She pulled him under a parasol off to the side. I set the basket onto a set of tables and Marnie came to collect some of it for the pot. The three tables were put up to surround the enormous stew filled with deep green bubbling broth.

"Mmm, these are good!" Marnie nodded approvingly while throwing most of them to the stew.

"Ah, my dear friend!" A hand grabbed my side and Mayor Levis' bright face appeared beside me. He chewed on some watermelon and just seemed to be beaming.

"Oh, no. What happens to be wrong with you today?" I tried my best to imitate his foul sugary tone. He pretended not to have heard anything.

"My bestest fellow. You must already know our lovely Governor is visiting the town today and our intention is to show our best. The melon- slurp -was an excellent idea."

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