Chapter 15

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When I woke up the next day the clock was well over noon. I had a splitting headache and it felt like I had swallowed an acre of sand in my sleep. I would've most likely wallowed in bed for the rest of the day, if the faint smell of toast hadn't been so attractive.

I found Sebastian pottering about in the kitchen. Breakfast for two. He had left his hoodie on the couch and the white undershirt had a spot of fresh butter in it. For a while I just watched him from the door frame.

Eventually he did notice my hunched figure and motioned me to come forwards.

"Morning." He grinned as he pushed a plate over the counter towards me. "Slept well?"

"Like a log. How are you this okay? I'm dying." I lamented. The breakfast consisted of toast and coffee, but I had never tasted anything better. I had to wonder what he had done to the plate, since all the ingredients had to be the same.

The toaster made a sound and Sebastian grabbed himself another plate. While buttering the bread he said, "I, unlike you, actually listened to Harvey and drank water in between shots. Also, I drunk a lot less, so..."

"You should've stopped me." I wailed. "Ugh, do I have at least any painkillers? I think I caught the flu to top it off."

There were some in the rather embarrassingly shorthanded medicine cabinet and I took them with some coffee. They did help a bit once they bothered to start working, the time in between was excruciating.

After breakfast I had planned on tending the grounds and maybe watering some of the crops. None of this, though, happened. I laid on the couch and tried to get rid of the nauseating fatigue that held me in a tight grip.

"Hey, incidentally. Where did you sleep?" I muttered through the mountain of pillows I had gathered over me. I tried my best to pretend that they were helping.

"You have a surprisingly comfy couch. And Koda loves cuddles." He sat down next to me and leaned against the high wall of cushion. His hair was even messier than usual, and it was fun to watch the strands fall in little waves down his neck.

"Hey, uhm..." His hands had begun to fidget again. "You, um. You drank a lot yesterday. So, I guess you don't remember much of it."

"Not much, yeah. Ugh, my head." I wallowed. "Why? Did I say something? I've heard I become a bit of a yapper when I drink. But I wouldn't know."

"No, no. Nothing important, at least."

I wasn't too sure if I believed that. His demeanor had been too nervous for it all to be just nothing. But because of my sore feeling I decided to just drop it. I could always pressure him about it later.

Thankfully, I got increasingly better as the day slowly passed. Sebastian kept me company as I slowly returned to farmwork. As much as I hated it in the moment, there were just some things I couldn't leave undone.

The Marney's chickens I had ordered had finally arrived and it was a lot of work to help them settle down. As I piled them some hay and food, Sebastian sat with the chickens and kept them busy.

"This one's my favorite." He raised his lowered finger up to show me a little chick that had gotten a good bite of it and was now hanging on for its dear life. The thing seemed rather determined to defeat the new intruder.

"Hmm, I knew you'd like him. He's the most reckless of the bunch." I commented.


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