this night is sparkling

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"It was enchanting to meet you,"

"Where are you, Folk?!" I said in frustration. We were running late for our acquaintance party and Folk is nowhere to be found. I called his phone but he's not answering, damnit.

"Why are you fussing?" my mother said with irritation in her voice, "Text him that you're going now, it's not like you can't go there on your own,"

"But we promised to go together, Mom. I don't know anyone there so there's no way in hell I'm going there alone."

There's a bang in the door and then it opened harshly, revealing and out of breath Folk. "Sorry, Yo. I couldn't find my suit! I went to my friend to borrow this." he pointed to his maroon blazer "Let's go?"

We arrived at the campus gym where our acquaintance party is being held. It was crowded but not too much. The number of freshmen for this academic year has blown the University. I met a new friend during my first day as a college student, her name is Becky. So when we arrived, I automatically searched for Becky in the crowd, and it is not that hard to spot her beautiful face.

"Becky!" I called her attention and we made eye contact. She waved enthusiastically at me and made her way to me.

"You're late!" she fake-frowned at me before hugging me. She went to hug Folk, too.

"Say that to this guy who lost his suit," I rolled my eyes endearingly at Folk.

"Hey, I didn't lost it. Someone took it. Or maybe I misplaced it somewhere and I couldn't find it?" we laughed and went to find a perfect spot to sit and hang out.

We got bored during the party and we weren't really interested in acquainting with other freshmen, so we left the party early. It wasn't advisable since it's a school event but, we're college now, we can do whatever we want.

We went to a resto-bar just a few blocks away from the University. We decided to have an after party and go dancing inside but was disappointed when we saw a rock band setting up.

"We should find a place where there's a DJ instead of a rock band. I ain't doing headbanging for tonight," Folk fussed beside me.

"Hey, rock band isn't that bad. You could dance with rock music, too." said Becky who's looking for an empty table to sit on. "There! in the corner near the stage, there's a vacant table. Let's go!" she pulled me and Folk into the direction of the table.

When we get there, Becky sat down immediately.

"Are you into rock bands?" I asked her, she seemed eager to hear the band play, so I checked the band with my criticizing look.

There are 4 of them, a guy, no, a girl was setting up the drum set, a handsome guy was setting up his keyboards, a girl with long hair was testing her bass guitar, and the one sitting in a chair, tuning her guitar, i think she's the vocalist.

"No, I just happen to know the bassist," she said while smiling. Was she blushing? I can't tell, it's dim in here.

"Oooh, okay. I get it," Folk elbowed Becky and made a playful expression.

"What now?" I said and went to check the bassist out. She's pretty. Then my eyes was locked into the vocalist when she tested the mic.

"Sound check, 1, 2, 3..." she said on the mic. God, she sound sweet. Are they really a rock band? She sounds more like a pop singer than a rock singer.

The vocalist then roams her eyes and it landed on me. We locked eyes and.... Damn.

"Wow," I breathe the word.

"What?" Becky said the she followed my gaze. "Oh! Engfa's looking at our direction!" She shrieked. Engfa... Engfa... so, that's her name.

Why am I locking eyes with her? We're still staring at each other up until now, I think it's been like a minute or so.

And then, she winked.

She winked at me.

"Did she just ... winked at you, Yoko?" Becky murmured then she looked at me. I'm still looking at Engfa but she's now busy on testing her guitar.

"Who?" I heard Folk asked Becky so I stopped looking at the vocalist and went to look at my two friends.

"Who's what?" I said to them. Becky just smirked at me while Folk was looking confused. "I agree with Becky, I think I'll check this band out."

"Oh, boring!" Folk fussed while Becky laughed at him.

I looked at Engfa again and when I did, she's already looking at me, smiling. I smiled at her, too. It would be impolite of me if I ignored her.

They started playing. And I was wrong, Engfa's voice suited the song she's singing very well. She has a wonderful voice, and she's good at playing the guitar. When the Gods and Goddesses went to make a rain of talents, Engfa must have been soaked.

My two friends seems to be enjoying the atmosphere of the place, I was enjoying, too. I never felt this relaxed and at ease for a long time. The band took a break and Becky went to the rest room. It was just me and Folk at our table now.

"Yo, I will just order some drinks at the counter. Don't tell Mom!" I laughed at him.

"I won't. Just be mindful of your drinks." then ge left.

I was now alone. I sip on my coke when I saw Engfa at the corner of my eye, she was talking to a guy, maybe her friend, and then she suddenly met my eyes. She smiled at me again, but this time, I avoided her eyes. Oh God.

I noticed in my peripheral vision that she was approaching towards my direction, I was just about to stand up to look for Becky but I was slow. She was already at my side.

"Hey," she called, I turned to her and met her eyes once again. Her eyes were sparkling, it looks happy. It's like her eyes were smiling, too.

"Hi," I gave her a short smile and then I tried to avoid her eyes once again. I fiddled with my drink instead.

"Have we met before?" she asked.

I looked at her to see if she's really asking me that question. Have we? She doesn't look familiar to me, so I answered her, "No, I don't think so,"

"Ah, I see. Maybe I just mistaken you for someone. I am Engfa by the way." she extended her hand for a shake.

I was hesitant at first, but there was something about her that makes me feel tingly. I couldn't put it into words... It's like... I am.... wonderstruck or something.

Ah, damn it. I smiled and pushed my thoughts behind. I shook her hands and said, "Yoko,"

"It was enchanting to meet you, Yoko." she smiled sweetly at me, I felt like my face was burning. Was I crushing on someone I just met?

This feeling, it's very familiar. Very comforting.

Just like when I first met Faye....

"I was enchanted to meet you, too, Engfa." I smiled, genuinely.

the way i loved youUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum