darling, you're the one I want

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Yoko was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. She chose to ignore the sound but her company, on the other hand, groaned at told her to turn it off, and then snuggled closely beside her. She felt an arm around her naked waist, and the warmth of a naked body from behind her. She smiled, remembering their activities last night.

"Mhmm. Yoko, turn that thing off," Faye mumbled once again from behind her. So, begrudgingly, she opened her eyes and reached for her phone on the bedside table. The arm on her waist making it hard for her to reach her phone. She sighed, but didn't complain.

Once she get a hold of her phone, she saw Engfa's name flashing on her screen.

Engfa? Why was she calling this early? So she answered the call to demand some answers.

"Hey, Fa, what's up?" she greeted her, and she was met with silence. She could hear a faint breathing though.

"Yoko," she started from the other side of the call. "Remember my first love? My the one that got away? The one who was married to someone else?" Yoko could hear the trembling in Engfa's voice, so she knew the woman was fighting the urge to cry right at that moment.

"Charlotte Austin? Why? What about her? Are you okay? Have you arrived yet?" She asked, worried etched on her voice that woke Faye from her slumber.

Faye sat up from behind Yoko, as she listened to the conversation.

"Yeah, I just got here, and I went straight to my friends house. And..." Engfa paused, and Yoko heard a door opening from the other side of the call, and Engfa was cut off by that someone who opened the door. Yoko heard someone spoke from the phone and then there was silence... the sound of the door shutting was the last thing Yoko heard before Engfa spoke again. It wasn't slammed hard, though. "Well, I guess it's my turn to face my past now, eh?"

"Oh God, she's there?" Yoko couldn't help the shock erupting from her voice.

"Yeah, I should have known Tina would invite her as well since Heidi was Char's best friend. I guess I got too complacent that she wouldn't ever step a foot in Camden ever again."

"What are you going to do about it? Will you talk to her? You know, clear the air between you two. Have some closure." Yoko suggested. Yoko felt the beddings moved as Faye went to go to the bathroom. She eyed the woman's naked figure before focusing back to her friend on the phone.

"Closure my ass. Her marrying another man was enough of a closure for me. I will just be civil to her while I am here, and then go back to New York once this is all over. I have lots of songs to record and an album to release. I won't waste my time dwelling on the past just because she's here." Engfa said, trying so hard to convince Yoko, she didn't even realize that the one she was trying to convince was herself.

"Hey, everything's gonna be okay. When you get back here, I'll treat you to some fancy cafe of your choice. Just... try to relax there. Don't stress yourself too much." Yoko advised, a genuine concern laced on her voice. "And don't try so hard to fight your feelings. Follow what your heart desires, okay?"

Engfa was silent for a moment, letting the last piece of advise Yoko had just said. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

"I'll take my rest now, I am feeling a bit jetlagged from the ride. You owe me a story, and I want to hear every juicy details of it, okay?" Engfa tried to sound happy despite the inner turmoil she was currently experiencing.

"Yeah," Yoko smiled as she said her goodbye to Engfa. The call ended and she went to find Faye.

Faye wasn't in the bathroom when she checked, so she went to the kitchen to find her, and there she was. Wearing only an oversized white button up shirt and an apron. She was working on something for breakfast and Yoko couldn't help but stare lovingly at the older woman.

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