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I have been ignoring him all day.

"What a peaceful day" He told Amanda at dinner. I glare at him. Stupid guy.

The day dragged on as I stood in line for the cable car, each minute feeling like an eternity of despair. The weight of my loneliness and heartbreak pressed down on me, overshadowing the mundane task of waiting. I reminded myself bitterly that I didn't need a man to get a discount, a bitter irony as I paid the hefty 80 Swiss Francs for the ticket, a sum I scraped together by stealing his purse. But no amount of money could ever compensate for the shattered pieces of my heart. A woman's heart is priceless, after all.

Leaving the cable car line, I sought refuge in a quaint café, craving the warmth of a hot, cozy coffee to soothe my frayed nerves. However, my retreat was tainted as I spotted him with the girl earlier, a cruel reminder of what I had lost. "Bitch," I muttered under my breath, a venomous word that barely scratched the surface of my pain. As I sat sipping my coffee, the lewd gestures and comments from passing men grated on my raw emotions, but I clenched my fists and ignored them, determined not to let their ignorance pierce through my fragile armour.

But their taunts escalated into harassment, the atmosphere turning hostile as I became their target. Fearing for my safety, I pushed past them and ran, the adrenaline masking the tears threatening to spill. Alone in the restroom, gasping for breath, I realized the depth of my despair. I was trapped in a situation where I couldn't reach out to anyone, drowning in my own sorrow and helplessness. It was a bleak realization, one that left me feeling utterly pathetic and lost.

Sighing heavily, I wiped away the tears that had escaped, a silent testament to the pain I carried inside. I hear loud noises and screaming outside. I run to see what was happening. It was my dear husband fighting with those thugs who harassed me. A warm feeling spread through my heart. I run towards him to ask him to not fight.

Ash throws a powerful punch directly into the man's jawline, the impact causing his head to snap to the side. The man stumbles back, caught off guard by the force of the blow. He spits out a mouthful of blood, some of it splattering onto the ground.

Peering out from behind Ash's back is a fragile-looking woman, her eyes wide with fear. I halt, realizing the fight is now over, with Ash warning the men off. The woman reaches out and gently grabs Ash's arms, her body language radiating a nervous tension. They exchange a few incoherent words that I can't make out from where I'm standing.

"Be careful. Bye," Ash says tersely, leaving the woman and turning to face me on the other side.

I realize now that Ash fought them because they were harassing the woman. But I can't help but feel bitter - he was there when they were harassing me as well, yet he only stepped in to defend her. All I can feel towards him now is a deep hatred, simmering beneath the surface.

Gathering for dinner, I sat across him, my gaze sharp as daggers. "Peaceful day, huh?" I muttered bitterly, a promise of vengeance simmering beneath my words.


Anonymous pov:

The cop is always so cold and closed-off, even with his own wife. I thought getting married might make him lower his guard, giving me an opportunity to take him down. But that icy demeanor of his never wavers.

It's frustrating, really. What is he hiding behind that stoic facade? There has to be a weakness I can exploit. Maybe if I observe him carefully, I can find a way past his defenses and uncover whatever darkness lies within.

This won't be an easy target, that's for sure. But taking down a cop of his caliber would be quite the prize. It's a challenge I'm willing to tackle head-on. With the right plan and execution, I just might be able to break through and defeat him once and for all.


Ash Pov:

The pointed glares from my wife feel as scorching as the steaming food laid out on the table before us. Beside me, Amanda subtly hits my arm and whispers "Psst."

"Hmm?" I hum absently, still deep in my own troubling thoughts.

"What did you do?" Amanda asks, the corner of her mouth twitching with a barely suppressed snicker.

"Nothing," I reply tersely.

"Ah! It's always the men, and then they go, 'So dramatic,'" she says, mockingly imitating my tone. I roll my eyes at her teasing.

"But seriously," she continues, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial murmur, "Don't make her mad. Do something. There are people here just to...surveillance you two."

I can feel my guard rising at her words. "What do you mean? A spy?"

Amanda leans in closer. "Yeah, our aunt and uncle are here, just to make sure you keep your wife happy. Hehe."

Nosy people. "What do I do to make her happy?" I ask, feeling increasingly perplexed.

"Why would you ask me if you didn't make her sad, huh?" Amanda retorts, raising her hands in a gesture of surrender as I glare at her. "Okay, officer."

She leans back in her chair, her expression sobering. "Do what she likes. Buy what she likes."

"But what does she like?" I ask, my brow furrowing as I turn to my sister, thoroughly puzzled.

Amanda's eyes widen in shock. "You...don't know?" she scoffs, her voice dripping with disdain. "People like you should be starved to death. Pfft. I'll leave that to you to figure out."


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