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Aria pov:

I felt a mix of excitement and curiosity as Asher led me through the carnival grounds. The evening air was filled with laughter and the tantalizing scents of cotton candy and popcorn. Asher, usually reserved, seemed more relaxed tonight, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he glanced at me from time to time.

Our first stop was at a ring toss game booth, where Asher's competitive spirit shone through.


With focused determination, he aimed the rings at the pegs, each successful throw bringing a delighted smile to my face. The game required three successful throws to win a giant banana plush toy, a prize that I had never won before.

Hopefully I win!

As Asher's final throw landed perfectly, securing the banana toy, my excitement bubbled over. I jumped up and down, clapping my hands with each throw, I can feel my eyes sparkling with joy. When Asher turned to me with a proud smile, I threw my arms around him in a tight hug, my heart filled with affection and admiration for his efforts.

I'm pretty sure that the sudden hug caught Asher off guard, freezing him momentarily by my spontaneous display of affection. However, I was already reaching for the giant banana toy, my excitement blinding me to Asher's reaction as I proudly claimed my prize.

Next, we wandered towards the edge of the carnival, where a haunted house loomed in the distance. My eyes widened with apprehension as Asher suggested that we go in. I am not a fan or horror at all. T-T

"But Ash, I'm scared of these things," I protested, my hand instinctively reaching for his arm.

Ash reassured me with a gentle smile. "I'll be right here with you" His words calmed my nerves as we entered the dark, eerie corridors of the haunted house. I can feel my heartbeat increase from his words and the scary place.

I clung to Asher's arm, my heart racing with every creak and groan of the old building. Somehow I felt safe in his presence, his solid frame giving me a sense of security. As we navigated through spooky rooms and encountered ghostly illusions, I couldn't help but bury her face in Asher's chest whenever a particularly frightening moment arose.

Our closeness heightened the tension between us, a simmering heat building between my body and Asher's. In a secluded corner of the haunted house, away from prying eyes, our gazes locked, and the air crackled with unspoken desire. I could feel the electricity between us, a palpable tension that seemed to thicken the air around us.

Without a word, Asher cupped my face in his hands, his touch gentle yet electrifying. My heart raced with anticipation as I leaned in, my mind screaming with excitement, "OMG, we are finally going to kiss!" Just as our lips were about to meet, the ride abruptly ended, leaving us both breathless and wanting more. The unspoken passion between us hung in the air like a tangible presence.

"Holy duck," I thought, trying to catch my breath. "For the first time in my life, I wish that this horror ride didn't get over.". A nervous laugh escaped my lips as I felt the heat rising above my cheeks, a telltale sign of the intensity of our shared moment.

As we emerged from the haunted house, breathless and exhilarated, I noticed a dark figure lingering in the shadows. No, it's not just a shadow, it's Vanessa discreetly tailing us from a distance. A chill ran down my spine as I watched her movements, wondering about her intentions. "Is Vanessa trying to spy on us?" I wondered, my instincts tingling with a sense of unease. Her motives were unclear, but my gut told me that something was wrong.

I knew I had to tell Ash about this, to share my concerns and ensure our safety. But for now, I am just going to enjoy.

As we wandered through the vibrant carnival, colorful lights illuminating the night sky, a sight caught my eye that sparked an impromptu challenge between us.

"Hey, Aria, want to test your strength?" Asher pointed to a strength-testing game where participants swung a mallet to ring a bell at the top.

I grinned mischievously. "You're on! Let's see who's stronger."

We stepped up to the game, each grabbing a mallet with determination. As the carnival crowd gathered to watch, we took turns swinging the mallets, the metallic clang ringing through the air with each strike.

To everyone's surprise and our amusement, Asher's swing fell short of the mark, eliciting cheers and laughter from the spectators. I couldn't contain my laughter as I took my turn, putting all my strength into the swing. With a satisfying thud, the bell at the top rang loudly, declaring me the winner.

Asher laughed good-naturedly, conceding defeat with a playful grin. "Alright, alright, you win this round," he admitted, earning a round of applause from the amused crowd. I'm pretty sure he lost just to make me feel good. Hehe.

Is his cold heart melting?

As the night progressed, Asher and I found ourselves nestled in a cozy cafe, surrounded by the comforting aroma of rich hot chocolates and sweet pastries. I couldn't resist the temptation of the double chocolate cake placed before me; it was like a slice of heaven on a plate. "So tasty," I exclaimed, unable to contain my delight, and let out a little moan of satisfaction that caught Asher's attention.

Feeling his gaze on me, I turned to meet his eyes, finding them darker and more intense than usual. The air between us crackled with anticipation as he closed the distance between us, his lips aiming for mine. I held my breath, expecting the sweet culmination of our unspoken feelings.

Instead, Asher's eyes sparkled with mischief as he diverted his attention to the chocolate smudges on my cheeks. With a playful grin, he leaned in and licked the chocolate off my skin, sending shivers down my spine and igniting a fiery desire within me. My heart raced like crazy, caught between disappointment at the incomplete kiss and excitement at his teasing gesture.

This wasn't the first time I'd found myself in such a situation with Asher. It was like a playful dance we kept performing, each near kiss adding to the tension between us and leaving me both embarrassed and thrilled at the same time.

In that moment, with Asher's playful antics and the sweetness of the chocolate lingering on my skin, I couldn't help but smile with a mix of affection and playful exasperation. Our evening was filled with shared laughter, stolen glances, and the delightful indulgence of sweet treats, each moment deepening the connection between us and leaving me longing for more. I hope he feels the same way.

I couldn't help but be drawn to Asher's warmth, his subtle gestures of affection melting my heart. The evening was a dance of teasing glances and stolen touches, each moment deepening our connection and fueling the growing passion between us.

Later that night, as we lay beside each other, I shared my concerns with Asher, my voice barely above a whisper. "I think Vanessa is following us, Ash. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about it."

Asher's expression hardened briefly before he masked it with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Aria. I'll look into it."

No further questions or words were said. We fell into our sleep world.


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