chapter 15, Blackmail

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Courtney's POV

I went to the local HR dept in Miami, after filling out the application I had an interview with them. They let the Dallas office I know that I was hired. I sent a text message to Matt.

Courtney: Thanks for breakfast and the good word. I start in the HR dept next Monday.

Matt: You're welcome.

I close out the text app, I head back to the hotel. While my father was out, I decided to put pictures of Matt and I talking, and the breakfast on Snapchat. I thought the pictures were good.

Hailey's POV

I was working well, sitting on pins and needles wanting to see Matt. I hated the fact that father invited  Hunter for dinner last night. I got s moment alone, I called Matt. He got me calmed down. I told him I would be excited to see him in the afternoon..

It took until 10pm for me to get rid of him. I was exhausted by the time I hit the bed.  I was joyful to see Matt tomorrow.  The next morning, I was in the staff room making a cup of coffee for Andrew, I heard several females talking in hush tones, giggling. I know that some of them were jealous knowing that I was dating Matt. So I ignored them though I heard his name and Courtney. I didn't say anything and headed to Andrew's office.

I walk into Andrew's office, i'm greeted by a rueful smile. I give him a smile as I set the coffee cup on his desk. Andrew locks eyes with me, as he motions me to sit down.

“Hailey, take a seat. There's a lot going on.” I sit down feeling my heart fall into my stomach.

“Is it about Matt?” Andrew nods,

“I got word from a friend that there were photos of Matt  and Courtney on Snapchat. He sent me the photos,” I felt stunned and confused,

“Is it bad?” Andrew stayed stoic in his expression,I couldn't read his expression. 

“If you keep your head clear and your emotions in check, all will be fine. Do you remember telling Matt that Courtney was in Miami.?” I nod slowly,

“Yes, I remember. I don't trust Courtney and Hunter.” Andrew turns the laptop towards me, as he says.

“Now I have talked to Matt about this. He said she came to talk about a job. Then he didn't feel well, doesn't remember her leaving. He saw her at breakfast, they talked business.” I felt stunned,

“Okay what did he say?” I ask emotionally,

“He thought he might have been drugged. He went to a urgent care unit, before going to the airport.” Now I was confused,

“Why? Was he hurt?” I see Andrew shake his head as I study the pictures, I could tell she was trying to flirt, he looked normal. I read the message under them…

Chillin with Matt, having fun….

 “Matt said he has no memory after talking to me on the phone. Then he woke up with a major headache. The ER ran a bag of IV, said he was drugged with GHB. I grew angry when I hear this,

“Did she have sex with him?” I see that Andrew didn't know,

“His dose was so high he doesn't remember.  That frightens me and him.” I feel like i'm going to cry. Andrew came over to me, hugging my shoulders.

“Let it out now. So you can be strong for him when he gets home.” I nod in understanding,

“I love him. Even if I did find out he did, it's not his fault. I blame Courtney.”  Andrew nods,

“There's one more thing… Courtney is a part time assistant in HR. She starts Monday.”  I nod, still feeling angry.

“Fine. As long as I don't deal with her too much.” Andrew smiles as he hands me a tissue.

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