Chapter 22, News

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    Courtney's POV

As I walked out of “Hailey's room with pure  joy, the thought of him pulling out the engagement ring in front of her. I couldn't help have a joyful song in my heart, Andrew clears his throat to get my attention,

“Courtney, what's got you so joyful, when we are grieving a loss of the baby.”  My smile couldn't help but become bigger,

“He took out this engagement ring and gave it to me in front of Hailey. I guess with the loss of the baby, Matt has nothing holding him to Hailey.”

They look confused, oh well they'll get over it. I leave the ward, close to the front of the hospital I see Hunter. I run up to him, jumping into his arms. Hunter played along, but I could tell he was feeling confused. So he asks softly,

“What has got you excited?” I laugh with excitement, Hunter sets me down.

“Well, Hailey's all yours now. Matt proposed to me in front of Hailey. So she now knows it is over between them. I bet she thought the baby would help keep Matt at her side. Now she can't.”  Hunter softly kisses my cheek,

“i'm happy for you. i'll go and see if she needs comfort.” I hug him with a smile, I head out to enjoy the rest of the day.

Hailey's POV

It was good to hear my uncle's voice.

“Uncle Caleb, I really need your help.” Uncle Caleb’s voice sighs on the line,

“My dear Hailey, please tell me what's going on. Is there a legal issue here as well?” Uncle Caleb ask bluntly, but with a touch is tender.

“Uncle Caleb, I have been dating Matt for over a year, we even got married. Now i'm pregnant, but Anna pushed me down the stairs. I lost the baby, but found out I have a twin. I want to be emancipated. I have a job, I can live with Dana…. And Matt wants to marry me.” There was silence on the line, then he clears his throat.

“Hailey, you have been through a lot. Does your father not want to have the baby?” He asks tenderly,

“He, Anna, and Hunter wanted the abortion. Hunter is father's partner's son. He's a douche bag. Then his ex  Courtney  is making moves on Matt. He was going to give me an egagrment ring, she took it like it was hers.” Uncle Caleb chuckles lightly,

“Wow! Sounds like you have a lot of sharks swimming around you. This reminds me of me and Dakota when we were dating. There were people that were trying to keep us apart.” I felt confused,

“Did father? He seems to be on a control mission lately. First Chase, now me.” I confided in him,

“That's Carson for you.. He's always been that way. Grant is in Dallas. i'll call him. How are you now. How long will you be in the hospital?” I sigh in relief to hear his question,

“i'll be here for a few days.. Dr. Smith wants to monitor the twin who has survived.  My father doesn't know about the baby. That's what I want until i'm free of him.” Uncle Caleb sighs,

“As soon as we hang up, i'll call him. What room are you in?” I had to smile,

“I'm in room 604 VIP ward. I love you Uncle Caleb.” He chuckles on the line,

“Thank you. i'll be on top of things even though it will be Grant  representing you. I love you too.”  We hang up, I exhale a breath of relief. Matt looks over to me with a warm smile,

“Feel better?”

 Matt reaches into his pocket, pulling out another small box. He opens it to reveal a beautiful wedding ring  set. It was much more beautiful, than the ring Courtney took from Matt.

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