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''Oh hey Y/n, didn't expect you here'', Bruno said trying to start a conversation. I felt kind of embarrassed, the last thing I wanted is Bruno and Neymar to meet.

''Oh uhm yeah, hey'', I mumbled just side eyeing him. I looked at Neymar to see him clenching his jaw. Luckily the waiter finally popped up with our food. We both started eating and it was still silent until he broke the silence.

''So that's Bruno, huh?'', Ney said raising his eyebrows. I just nod, trying to not look at him. We continued eating when I felt a tap on my left shoulder, causing me to look on my left.

''By the way, you look really good tonight'', Bruno told me loud enough that Ney could hear it. Before I could react to the compliment Ney got up. 

''Dude, don't you see that she's on a date with me? Stop talking to my girl'', Ney discussed almost shouting at Bruno, ''come Y/n, we will switch our seats'', he said now calmer and finally looking at me. I nod at him and smiled slightly, just by thinking of the words that escaped his mouths right before. We continued eating our meals and started chatting, this time more peacefully. Luckily Bruno didn't mind to talk to me again, so Ney and me could enjoy dinner for the rest of the evening.

''Anything else for you, Sir?'', the waiter asked Ney. 

''Just the bill, thank you'', Neymar responded and the waiter nodded at him. Now Ney turned back to me.

''I don't like this Bruno guy but he was right about how stunning you look once again'', he smiled and took my hand. I smiled at him. I was really happy with him, so it would hurt even more to leave him tomorrow, even though I'm gonna see him again. 

The waiter arrived with the bill and of course Ney paid it, what a gentleman. We both got up and Bruno gave me one last smile. He was lucky that Ney didn't see it. Ney took my hand again and led me through the restaurant to the beach. The sound of the waves matched perfectly with the background music from the beach bar. I stood there in the sand, just a few inches away from Neymar's trained chest.

''I'm your girl, huh?'', I teased him, resting my hand on his chest.

''You are though'', he chuckled looking down at me, ''mine and only mine''

I stood on my tiptoes, closed my eyes and finally kissed him. During the kiss he put one hand on my waist and the other one on my butt. He started to use his tongue, which made it even more passionate than it already was. I pulled away and smiled at him.

''Eu te amo, Y/n''

''Eu também te amo, Ney'', I said taking his hand. 

''Come'', I said leading him to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and also got in. The car drive was silent but he still rested his hand on my thigh, as always. After about fifteen minutes we finally arrived in his gateway. He turned off the engine and I broke the silence.

''Thank you Ney, thank you for everything'', I said looking deep into his hazel eyes. He smiled brightly, put his hand on cheek and pulled me closer to peck his lips. It got more and more passionate when we added more touch. He put his hand on my waist and I could feel the sexual tension grow more and more. I broke the kiss and adjusted the car seat backwards. Ney knew what that meant and raised his eyebrow.

''You sure you wanna do that?'', he asked.

''Sure, come on'', I winked at him. He didn't even wait a second and adjusted his car seat backwards as well. We both pulled in for another kiss but he broke it after a few seconds.

''Y/n, I know this might not be the right moment but I think I'm in love with you. I don't 'just' like you no more, I've got strong feelings for you. Would you like to be my girlfriend? No wait, can I be your boyfriend?'', Ney asked me, scared of my answer. My heart was beating faster as ever, even though I had the answer in my head.

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