(13) Paci?

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I wake up to the sound of Asher talking. I'm not awake enough to tell what he is saying but I can hear him.

I crack my eyes open and an practically blinded by the lights coming in from the windows. What time is it?

Asher is standing by the bed, the phone held up to his ear as he speaks into it. His hair is wet and sticks to his skin. And HOLY SHIT! His body is delicious.

He has no shirt on, only a pair of shorts hugging his muscular legs. His abs are so beautiful. His everything is so beautiful.

"Ok, thank you." Asher ends the conversation and puts the phone down.

"Starting at me are you little bear?" Asher asks as he looks down at me sprawled out on his bed. Wait. His bed? When did I get here?

I blush and quickly shut my eyes, burring my head into his pillow.

"You can look little one, I don't mind." I shake my head and keep my face in the pillow. He saw me looking, I'm mortified.

"Oh really? Am I not pretty enough for you? You hurt my feelings little bear." Asher feigns hurt as he falls on the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight.

"Nu, you're pretty." I say around something in my mouth as I roll over. I feel the rubber with my tongue and it reminds me of a sippy cup, just a bit different. I bring my hand up to my mouth and remove the strange object, bringing out a blue pacifier with a little bear on it.

"Thank you bear." Asher sounds sincere and I smile at the nickname while staring at the object in my hand. I don't know how I feel about it, I want to put it back in my mouth but I know I shouldn't want to. It's for babies, I shouldn't use it. Right?

Asher seems to notice my internal struggle as he takes the pacifier from my hand. Before I can whine and go to grab it back he is placing the rubber part to my lips. I blush madly as I part my lips and let it slide into my mouth, enjoying the feeling of it in my mouth.

"How'd you sleep?" Asher asks, keeping the conversation moving and not batting an eye at the pacifier in my mouth.

"Good. Why am I in your bed? I thought you were gonna put me in my bed." I take out the pacifier to speak but immediately place it back in my mouth when I finish. I genuinely slept very well, a lot better than I have before. I've always been a little scared to sleep, afraid I'll leak everywhere and make a mess my mom would have to clean up.

"You don't remember what happened last night?" Asher seems genuinely puzzled that I am asking why I'm in his bed. I sit up, my diaper squishing underneath me, looking between the crib and where I am now, like it will tell me what happened.

"Ummm, no weally." (not really) I try to talk with the pacifier in but become even more embarrassed when it messed up my speech. I search my memory but only come back with broken figments of what happened. I remember feeling scared, maybe I had a bad nightmare? I vaguely remember being put down on the changing table. Or was that a dream?

"You fell out of your crib last night. I changed your soaked diaper and you wanted to spend the rest of the night with me." I almost cringe when Asher calls it my crib but I refrain as the events last night starts to piece back together.

"Oh." Is all I have to say.

"We don't have to worry about that anymore though, today's a new day, and I'm sorry but if you sleep in your crib the rail will have to be up."


"How about we get dressed, then we can go get some breakfast?" Asher changed the subject with a light, happy tone.

"Yeah." Breakfast sounds good, any food sounds good to my hungry stomach.

Asher lifts me up and carries me to the changing table. I can just feel how much I went in this diaper, it hangs heavily at my hips. I don't know how it's even staying on, much less how it didn't leak.

Asher is quick to untape the diaper and dispose of it, leaving me in only a shirt. He wipes me down with baby wipes, and when I usually squirm I stay quite still, my focus on trying to get a good rhythm with my pacifier.

"Would you mind if I used something to get rid of your body hair? It would help clear this rash, but if you don't want to that completely fine." I think over Asher's words as he stands patiently waiting for my answer. No hair wouldn't be terrible, must be better than shaving. Plus it's only for the summer, if I don't like it I can change it back.


"Ok, I'll be right back." I watch Asher walk into the bathroom and return with a bottle of something and a wet rag.

He wets my parts down with the rage before putting the cream or soap everywhere. He lets it sit for a second before wiping it away with the towel again.

"Can you do my legs?" I blurt out and it is clear it caught Asher by surprise.

"Are you sure?"

"No." I can't decide if I'll like it or not.

"Your hair will grow back by the time summer is over so if you don't like it you can grow it out again. With that do you still want me to do it?"

"Yes." You only live once right?

Asher does the same steps on my legs before he continues to diaper me. The diaper he puts on me is thick but definitely not as thick as the nightime one. I can't believe I have to wear one during the day, but it's not doing any harm. If I have to go I can ask Asher to use the restroom and it's only on for precaution and because of the rules.

Asher grabs a pair of shorts, a shirt and a pair of socks from the dresser. He easily dresses me and it feels nice to not have to worry about what to wear or giving myself enough time in the morning to make sure I can get ready. Asher is taking care of all of that.

"Teeth time diaper butt." Asher says as he picks me up and sets me on the floor. He lightly pats my butt, a silent instruction to go into the bathroom. I feel like my diaper is on full display with the shorts, they aren't covering anything like my pants did yesterday, even though those didn't do a great job either.

"Is it weally nowice-able-ble?" (is it really noticeable) I ask Asher, hoping he'll tell me the truth. The bigger word noticeable gets jumbled with the paci. Maybe I should stick to shorter words when I use it.

"You shouldn't worry about that Johnny, you're a little boy and all little boy's need their diapers. They are just there as a precaution , so you don't make a mess everywhere if you have an accident. If it helps I think you look beautiful with a little bubble butt, and if you need to go potty at all just tell me." Asher's words make me blush and help me put aside my worries. I couldn't deny I needed them, and it should help calm my nerves that others have to wear them too, if yesterday was a glimpse of that at all.

I go into the bathroom and set my pacifier on the counter before I start brushing my teeth as Asher finishes getting dressed. He joins me right when I'm almost done, now wearing a nice loose fit shirt. I rinse and spit before leaving the bathroom, putting my pacifier back in my mouth, and Asher following me about a minute later.

"We have to go soon or we're gonna miss breakfast, I let you sleep in today since we didn't plan anything yet."


"But first I'm going to have to wrestle with your hair, it's a mess." I remember what it looked like in the mirror, all stuck up and pointing in every which direction.

"Grab a chair little bear" Asher says as he points to one of the small plastic ones over in the play corner. I do as he says and bring it to him, when I get back he has a brush and comb in his hand.

"Sit please." I sit and am glad my diaper offers some cushion. Asher begins to untangle and work through my hair, trying to make it look at least a little presentable. 


Sorry for taking so long, life has been hectic. Sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes 

Lots of Love ❤️ 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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