𝖽.𝗆 - 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌

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Down the block, there's an antique shop, and something in my head said, "Stop,", so I walked in, on the counter was a cardboard box

You were walking down Hogsmeade, merely a year after you'd graduated from Hogwarts. A window display beside you caught your gaze, and a smile bloomed on your face as you took notice of all the nostalgic items in there. Despite having little time, you decided to walk in, taking immediate notice of a box sitting idly on the counter.

And the sign said, "Photos: twenty-five cents each"

Reaching your hand in, you sifted through the multiple pictures, a different story attached to each of them. 

Black and white, saw a '30s bride, and two lovers laughin' on the porch of their first house

Your smile had grown into a full-blown grin as you looked down at the photo. There were the cutest couple you'd seen in a while, smiling with each other on the porch of their house. They were truly happy with each other, you could see it in the way they looked at each other. 

The kinda love that you only find once in a lifetime, the kind you don't put down

With just their simple glance, you knew damn well that they were soulmates. Their love was the kind of love you'd only read about in fairytales, where the princess truly does end up with her prince.

And that's when I called you and it's so hard to explain, but in those photos, I saw us instead

That very night, that same photo was resting on your desk as you wrote a letter to the boy who you believed to be your soulmate. Your 'right person, wrong time'. You didn't know what you'd say to him, all you knew is that you'd seen you two in those pictures. Your alternate future. What life would've been like if you ended up with him, the way everything should've happened. 

You stopped the tears from dripping as you addressed the letter to where you knew he would be: Malfoy Manor.

And, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other, in another life, you still would've turned my head even if we'd met

You watched your owl carrying the letter away, your mind drifting off. In your very heart, you knew that, no matter what world you and Draco had met, that spark between you would've been everlasting.

On a crowded street in 1944, and you were headed off to fight in the war

The scene in your mind turned to black and white, you and him standing hand in hand with each other. Tears welled in both of your eyes as he pulled you into a hug, his arms pulling you as close as physically possible to him. He was leaving you, though you'd tried your hardest to drag it on. "I'll come back for you, my love. I always will," he whispered in your ear, soothingly rubbing your back. 

Your eyes were fixed on his back as he walked away, turning back to look at you one last time before he disappeared in a crowd of soldiers. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your body trembling out of fear for him.

You still would've been mine, we would have been timeless

Without a doubt, you knew that he was yours, as you were his. You two belonged with each other, and there was simply no way around it. Forever, the story of your romance would be timeless. 

I would've read your love letters every single night

Your lips quivered as you read his familiar handwriting, assuring you that he was fine and that you two would be reunited soon. 

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