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Jimin thought for a moment as he exhaled a long breathe, "Then let's be friends" He said carving a little smile upon his face

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Jimin thought for a moment as he exhaled a long breathe, "Then let's be friends" He said carving a little smile upon his face.

Taehyung blinked, surprised by the offer. "Freinds?" He asked, unsure.

Jimin nodded, "Let's share our secrets and stay by each other's side" His pain organically faded, transferred into an unexplainable excitement of having a freind.

Taehyung softly chuckled as Jimin flashed his pinky finger, his struggle to hide his pain seemed visible but at the moment Taehyung required a comfort nobody has offered him yet.

"Let's make a promise to stay each other's side" Jimin said.

"Alright! Let's stay together forever" Taehyung made a promise, their fingers tangled to each other and a smile appeared on their faces, fading the pain for a while.

Taehyung's agreement to their friendship brought a wave of joy at Jimin's face.

"Ah I like it...I finally have a best freind" Jimin said, with a childish giggles Taehyung ever heard.

Taehyung gazed at him for a long minutes, and during that time, Jimin talked about himself. His hobbies, his likes and disklike, things he hated to eat, and his favorite food, there was a long list of everything and Jimin told about him in detail.

Taehyung heard him patiently, he now realized how compatible they could be, since Jimin loved to talk and Taehyung could hear him for hours without any interruption.

"Oh yes...one more thing....I hate Mango" Jimin said, "I just don't like the taste" He paused for a moment and then began to speak again.

"Every weekend I like to ride my cycle....it just make me feel good" Jimin said excitedly.

"Oh cool....I like to ride too...even when we were kids every Sunday morning me and hyung would go out with our cycles and raced with each other and I always won" Taehyung said and his smile suddenly disappeared.

Jaehyung's memories began to haunt him, he remembered that night, when his brother died, the police siren, the red lights, the metallic smell of the blood, and him standing before Jaehyung's lifeless body, everything flashed in to his mind like a movie scenes.

Taehyung felt as if someone's took him back to the time when he hated himself, when he hated his life and when he wanted to end everything.

Jimin observed his silent plead to yank him out of those painful memories. He didn't want to hurt Taehyung by peeking through his past, instead he thought to build the trust, they needed for their friendship.

"I was eight when I encountered the accident...that's why I got the scars and lost my memories" Jimin broke the awkward silence, "That's what my parents told me and I believed it, but today I found out that it was a lie" He said, his voice trembling.

Taehyung gazed at him in bewilderment, he quickly shook away all those agonizing memories of Jaehyung and pulled him back to the present.

Perhaps he got too comfortable with Jimin that he almost thrown himself in the pit which once had tried to swallowed his own life.

But at this time Taehyung needed to heard Jimin, as he looked anxious and desperate to shared the story of his scars.

"I saw the first day, when you came in school" Taehyung said, he thought for a moment and then asked, "Why they lie to you?...Your parents."

Jimin scoffed, "I don't know" He said, " But now I'm sure, they're hiding something from me" He continued, it was hard for him to trust his own words, but the truth couldn't be deny.

Mr. And Mrs. Park seemed to hide something about Jimin's past and it bothered him. No matter how painful his past could be, but he deserved to know what happened with him, why he always had to take therapies, why he couldn't live an ordinary lives like others.

"Do you know what worst is?" Jimin said, he failed to hold his tears back.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked.

"Not being able to remember anything" Jimin answered, "All I remembered is waking up in the hospital, not being able to recognize my parents and believing what they told me" He said and then he paused for a moment, "I honestly don't know what to do?" Jimin sounds helpless at the moment.

Taehyung felt as he should do something for him, he couldn't assumed the reason of being so weak for Jimin, but he decided to help at any cost.

Taehyung always has been pitting himself, considered him unfortunate but after hearing Jimin's story, he realized that his pain seemed nothing compared to Jimin. He lost his brother but Jimin lost his memories after being witnessing the hardships of his life.

"I'll help you" Taehyung said, squeezing Jimin's hand, "I don't know how but I'm gonna help you...I'm gonna find out what happened with you?" He decided, determination evident in his voice.

Jimin widened his eyes, "Would you really help me?" He asked again uncertainly.

Taehyung nodded, "You deserve to know" He said.

"I don't think my parents would ever tell me anything" Said Jimin, he tilted his head and pressed his lips, "They're keeping this from me since so long and I'm sure they will continue to keep this secret" He added.

Taehyung exhaled a cold breath, "There is always a way for every problem" He suggested. "There is internet and we can visit that hospital to gather the information"

"Woah I didn't know you'd be smart as well as being handsome" Unwillingly Jimin ended up giving a compliment to Taehyung's undeniably appealing looks.

Taehyung looked shocked at the moment while Jimin realized that he made a mistake.

Ruffling the back of his head Jimin stuttered, "I...I mean...I just wanted to say..."

Before Jimin would finished his sentence, Taehyung interrupted, "That I'm handsome and smart...
Well I know this very well" He said arrogantly, with a shrug of his shoulder.

Jimin's cheek flushed, his heartbeat raised as he locked his eyes with Taehyung's passionate gaze, and then he lost the words to explain himself.

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